Sunday, May 17, 2009

Food for thought...

a minute
or a day
of life with you
might be just
what's needed
to nourish
a hungry soul.


Anonymous said...

That my lady is very heart felt. . and perfect for Pondering. . .

Jean said...

Thank you, Anon ♥

Unknown said...

I heard a sermon that stuck with me once. The pastor spoke on the "chosen fast" in Isaiah 58. He did a word study and one of his primary points was this: We are to be willing to connect on a heart level with people who have hungry and thirsty souls, even when it is difficult. -Profound!

Jean said...

Kat, I believe we can do much more good than we realize by paying attention to those around us.

Doom said...

Don't be upset with me, but the first time I read this, I was a bit turned off. It seemed, at first, if you were suggesting something small, small love really.

Then I read again, and again. I finally see that what you really stated is very good. It is that love, even the best kind, is in faith and hope since all things of flesh are so transitory. And, that opened me up to really enjoying your work.

Weird how we can see things so wrongly so easily some times. And, thankfully, we have some good people to kindly and wisely lend us their (your) work (and patience?). Strange how a few words, placed well and with heart, can mean so much, too.

Have a great day!

Jean said...

Doom, I appreciate the fact that you took extra time, beyond your initial reading and interpretation, to consider my words. Definitely not something to upset me :-)
Basically, what I'm saying here is that sometimes as little as one minute (or one day)of our time can mean a whole lot to another person.

I hope you have a great day, too!

Anonymous said...

a minute
or a day
of life with
pastrami on rye
and a beer
might be just
what's needed
to nourish
a hungry soul.

Jean said...

Ha!! that would work for me, Mark.
