Thursday, December 22, 2022

Don't forget to bring in your peacocks tonight or...

 they might look like this...

They say ugly weather
is heading our way.

Get prepared.

Stay home.

Take care of
your critters.


Doom said...

Stay warm, well fed, and take care of each other. Even with it is difficult. I'll send a prayer, for all to be well in these cold times. Amen.

And, wonderful picture. Some creatures are such beautiful beings. They might have no purpose, in these rushed economic realities of modern times. But, like some of us, who have stepped out of the race, for the rest of our times, there is an understanding that money can't be everything? Amen, again.

I suppose we can hope our "elites" see that wisdom. No promises though. God sees it.

Jean said...

Carol's friend has raised peacocks for years. Gorgeous creatures.

Hoping you are well this winter season.