Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Still here...

 ...just not very interested right now.

Surgery on her scalp done and healing well, still
waiting on biopsy results.
Pulmonary testing done, results (as much as I can decipher)
don't appear to be of serious concern.
Next meeting with oncologist might clarify what's ahead.
So much is a waiting game.

Enjoy what ya got while ya got it, right?

That includes friends like all of you.


Doom said...

I used to fear death. So much I chased after it?

I finally realized that is what the wait is all about. The two things, though, are one... to attempt to delay that outcome. And, second, to truly enjoy whatever time is to be found, made. Even with the pain. Death will attend itself. Still not sure why I am still here. But, that's... above my paygrade.

Yes, enjoy what time you have. If I may be a friend, perhaps that is good. Don't fear the reaper, in any case. I think, in the end, he is a friend. If you fear death, is it actually death you fear? I realized that, too. Take care of what ever might keep you from... being free to die rightly. Then don't ever worry about anything, except keeping that tended. Amen. *grins*

Though, really, even with those... there is the fear of the death of others. My mother for me, your sister for you. And, always, those we didn't see as potentially to be gone so soon. Tricky. That's... just a part of it. I'll pray for your worries.

Jean said...

I think I worry more about the potentially long drawn-out painful process that could lead to the end. I think.
Actually, I worry about most everything which sometimes gets overwhelming. That's something I need to work harder to cut back.
Does no one much good.

Be well, Doom.

Doom said...

I hate to say this, but I think that is just how women are wired. Being raised, mostly, by a woman sort of... made me more like that than guys who had fathers. I had a father, for a while, at the right time. And it did help. But I suffer your difficulty, just not to your level.

When dealing with loves of the past, there is no amount of... support... that gets a woman past this. She just does, in spite of these things. I... can't help. But I... think it suits your sex well, somehow. I think it somehow makes you all live longer, as a general rule.

I will be well, as able. You too. I keep you all in my prayers, now and again, good and bad times. It is what I can do.