Thursday, May 07, 2020

More reading...

I liked the book.
Was disappointed in what I learned about the man.


Doom said...

Everyone fails, when examined closely. Even Jesus was denied by his people. And, often, modernists. Who want a winner, not a sacrifice, as with the Jews. It does take faith to ride that after 2000 years, give or take. My secular heroes, Einstein, Freud, and Schwarzenagar failed miserably. There is still Poe, and Clemens... M. Twain... until he became a putz at age.

Everyone wants a Jesus who is, nice, right, and secular. :p

Jean said...

I don't expect perfection but lying and cheating don't get it.

Doom said...

Einstein used drugs, probably initially prescribed by Fraud, who was a closet addict until he died. Fraud, besides what could be called a medical mistake regarding drugs, knew his therapies were bogus almost immediately, but they brought fame, fortune, and access to vice. Schwarzennagar cheated on his wife, with a maid (illegal alien at that?). And abused 'roids and possibly other drugs to win. As to lying, cheating, etc? It seems pretty common for elites. I'm not sure if it is required, but on those I have seen, they aren't good people. Bill Gates, for example, stole almost everything he got rich selling, even the computer mouse. He... can't code. He can steal and monopolize... and crack machines through back doors, to control judges to politicians.

I gave up on human heroes, and old and new small gods. Just... saying. Believe as you wish.