I have accepted the crapfact that depression
will never leave me alone. It is part of me.
damn you old black dog
wearing me out and down like
river rubbed canyon
There is nothing to be done about it except
endure. Over and over and over again.
tomorrow looks less
than worthy after today's
vain forward struggle
Pep-talks from well meaning friends don't help.
come along, you say.
you know precisely my need.
arrogant bastard
It makes it very difficult to be nice so I often hide.
it's worse somewhere else
for many someone elses.
today I don't care.
It turns me into someone I don't like at all and I can't help it.
do you doubt despair
can twist the heart, wring the soul,
blind all hope? You fool.
It sneaks up and every time I ask why.
you think you know
the reason, the answer, the
why. until this now.
I've read a gazillion books and been to therapy.
of all the pretty words ends
in ugly dry heaves
Remember the time I went to a shooting range and
enjoyed shooting and did very well? Did anyone
think it strange that I did not buy a gun?
it is not so hard
to understand that there are
some who will resign
It feels like living in hell and a glorious relief
when it subsides.
to wax poetic
do you mind much when I swear?
tough shit if you do.