Sunday, January 27, 2008

Re-posting from October...

I think Alan would have liked this...

Not good-bye...

If I should die
before you wake,
grieve not for could
or would.
Rejoice, instead, for had
and did
and heard, and saw
and touched.
Be glad for was,
not sad for never.
Whatever was
cannot be gone.
I'm with you now...


Deadman said...

Excellent. Yours?

LBJ said...

That was a perfect thought. . and tribute. You articulate the depth which we all feel but few can put to words.

Carteach said...

I echo Lin, she said it better than I could. Usually does.

These words fit together, and just plain fit.

Jean said...

Thank you both. He seemed to be a man who appreciated life and all he had in his.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful Jean, you certainly have a way of expressing your feelings with words. I'm sure Alan would appreciate its meaning, I feel he got so much out of life & gave so much to us all & had no time for regret.


Andrea said...

Awww, that's awesome and so true