Sunday, December 16, 2007

rules of engagement...

how ironic
when someone
loves you, but
they can't.
how sad
when you
love someone, but
you can't.
within reach
but not.


Deadman said...

Sad. I referred you to a good blog buddy of mine. I hope she stops by. She was looking for blogs with inspirational writing. It was only natural that I thought of yours first...

Doom said...

The death of a love almost seems easier to take. The living death of love is difficult. It has been on my mind lately.

A recent event, an odd remembrance, or what brings you to this place? I hope it passes, or that it was a mild case. Maybe and better, it is something you can smile about now? Otherwise... Doldrums... Nasty...

Be well.

Jean said...

Mark - how sweet of you. Thanks!

Doom - no doldrums, dear man. It's just when there is love but circumstances do not make it right.

kdzu said...

Any love should gladden our hearts......and cause the amount that we can love to grow larger, not smaller. Love causes us to grow, not wither. At least so it seems to me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, how sad. That's why we have the term unrequited, which I've never heard applied to anything but love.


Jean said...

Larry - again, I like the way you think.

Winston - when we want something we can't have...

Doom said...

Although, Jean and Winston, what would romance and poetry be without unrequited love? It certainly, if understood and functioned properly, leads to maturity. And, perhaps, the notion that love is a many splendored thing, to be known and shared chastely even when it cannot be known carnally. Or is that just me?

*it still bites* *laughs*

Sparrow said...

Hmmm, "requited love," now there's a concept. One of these days...

Doom said...

Merry Christmas, Jean, and all. See you next year. I'm keeping you in mind, Jean, and in prayers, while away.

Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

We have all done it. We love again anyway.

Like having sex again after the pain of childbirth, some pains just get forgotten.


Still looking for love again!

Carteach said...

I sure am glad I read back a bit here....

This one I understand, like I wrote it myself. Not just a little...