Monday, November 12, 2007

Some friendly advice...

If you are going to donate a pint of blood:

EAT a decent meal before you fill up the bag.
DRINK plenty of fluids (juice and/or water).
NO CAFFEINE or ALCOHOL (both dehydrate your body).
DO NOT SMOKE for at least thirty minutes after.

We had a blood drive at work today.
Less than an hour after I donated blood, they almost
had to carry me out of the building.

That was at noon and I still feel like crap.
The only upside today? They told me to eat a LOT tonight.
I, therefore, took myself to a nice restaurant for a big steak dinner.

Now, I'm going to bed. I feel like I got the shit beat out of me.



AspergantuS said...
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AspergantuS said...

Me thinks you may have had a blonde moment.

Unlike I just did on the first attempt at a comment.

I'm jus' sayin'....

Sparrow said...

Good for you for donating! My church does blood drives twice a year, I usually donate. Because they give me cookies. I'll do almost anything for a cookie. I'm easy.

LBJ said...

You poor thing. I'm O negative the universl doner, so they're always calling and asking. . but I can't give blood 48 hours prior to flying. . you think cigarettes and alcohol will do you in. . try high altitude. woo hoo!.

Good of you to do that. I HATE needles but believe in donating.

Doom said...

Hey, an upside to a downside, nice. Get mugged by the Red Cross so you get out of work(?) early, get a steak, and get some good sleep! I wouldn't exactly be moving pebbles around under the toe of my shoe, saying... "Yeah, well, there is always next time."... I'd be like, how soon! hehe

Well, if you make it, that is. Be well.

Anonymous said...

Good thing to do, giving blood, which is different from a blood letting. Years ago I did it routinely, but they probably would not even want my blood now since it is a toxic waste stream. Set 'em up Joe. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

The Atavist said...

When I donated blood every year for the Canadian Red Cross, I think I did so because they gave cookies to the donors. I am the original Cookie Monster.

Bless every donor -- it takes so little time and it accomplishes so much! Thank you.

curmudgeon said...

I think everyone that can donate should donate. It ain't nesar as bad as people think it will be. So, kudos!

They told me last time I was there, that it was my 58th time. In fact, they have given me the "7 Gallon" tie tack.
Why do I brag? Because I light one up as soon as I leave the donation center, stop and grab lunch on the way back to the office all without feeling dizzy or shitty.
Dunno. My bod must be used to getting drained periodically.

But the best part isn't the cookies, it's the prizes! They give us coffee mugs, T-shirts, coozies, coolers, ... all sorts of branded shit.

RobC said...

Got my medal for 50 donations last year, if I had not cracked myself up so many times it may have been more by now. Been a recipient once so I know both sides of the chain.
Hope your next one is less tiring. :-)

Joan of Argghh! said...

Oh! Nothing feels so bad as that. I gave blood once when I had been swimming all day and hadn't eaten much. Passed right out.


Deadman said...

Try enduring a glucose tolerance test sometime...

kdzu said...

Dang, I loves me a good steak. Course having to donate a bit of blood would jack the price right on up there. I fell out with the red cross.(non capitals intentional) quite a few years ago. Saw too many service men and women refused help when they needed it. Weren't in the politically correct group or something.
I prefer my contributions to be used to the fullest extent with as little bureaucracy as possible.

Sorry for the rant. Your kindness and generosity does you credit. Although my estimation of you can't get much higher. LOL

boneman said...

Yeah. Congrats on yer donatin'.

(and, lookie who snuck into the church and did some bloggin' this evening after the awards dinner.)

Deadman said...

"I fell out with the red cross.(non capitals intentional) quite a few years ago. Saw too many service men and women refused help when they needed it. Weren't in the politically correct group or something."

I have several issues with that organization, not least their steadfast refusal for YEARS to admit Magen David Adom as a member while giving the Plestinian Red Crescent carte blanche.

I donate money to MDA on a semi-regular basis. It just happens to be a pet charity of mine.

But hey, anyone willing to donate blood whenever is okay by me!

Desert Cat said...

Last time I tried to give blood was decades ago. I never even got to the bloodletting part before I passed out cold. I woke up in back on the floor with someone hovering over me taking my blood pressure.

They sent me home.

I've always had trouble staying conscious whenever I've had blood taken for tests and whatnot. And it's really hard to get blood out of a person who's fainted.

Jean said...

I'm really not a big fan of the Red Cross... there is another local agency that I like better, but this was convenient. Until I almost fainted, anyway :)
I managed to finish the work day, but I slept like a rock that night.

Thank you, all.

Jean said...

Queen - yes, dear.....doing fine now. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

My wife (the teacher) used to organize the Red Cross high school blood drive but still always donates. The last session was a few weeks ago. One nearly full bag burst and blood went everywhere. They forgot to remove my wife's tourniquet before taking the needle out. OOoops. They brought three 2-liter bottles of soda FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL. They had bottled water hidden somewhere for the staff so my wife did manage to score one of those. If our local Red Cross chapter is any indication of the organization as a whole they would make FEMA look golden by comparison.

Jean said...

Ben - that's just sad!