Saturday, March 12, 2011

they don't do impromptu...

plans, schedules, appointments.
all things done at a
certain time
on a
certain day
in a
certain way.
even sex.
photos taken on
birthdays and holidays.
In the same room.
In front of the same wall.
Same people standing in the same order.
lists in hand.


kdzu said...

At least they're getting the sex, even if not so spontaneously.
Something to say for the planning, but where are the surprises? Like the ones I get when the bank calls and tells me I'm out of money when I still have checks.

Fred said...

It's the only way to fit it all in.


And, also, perhaps most sad - I'm beginning to think "retirement" is a cruel joke.

Bou said...

Can I add a line at the end?

Just after: Same people standing in the same order.
lists in hand.

I'd add:

They are boring.
