Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiku Paradise at Sparrow's...

~~~UPDATE: VOTE before 10 pm Friday.~~~

The lovely lady in charge of Haiku Challenges,
Ms Sparrow at All Atwitter, is on vacation so the
contest has been moved over a day.

The topic for this week is: ~~~~~ PARADISE ~~~~~

Deadline to submit entries is Thursday 10 pm.


the destination
of all the world's wanderers.
is it end or all?

it's us. together.
anywhere, anytime. Here
or there. now and then.


Joe said...

Paradise (pair o' dice)

a two and a five
white cubes rattle in my hand
momma needs new shoes

Jean said...

yay, HB! Now, go submit it.


Joe said...

I just write for you Jean

You are never critical of my lame poetic attempts.

Jean said...

Far from lame, my friend. I hope you never stop gifting me with your poetry.