This is the puppy.
He looks bigger in real life (well, duh).
Weighs over 25 pounds and stands about eighteen inches
at the shoulder. This is the best I could do considering he
won't stop moving for more than half a second once per hour.
A real berzerk-o, lemme tell ya!
Only six months old and people are telling me he probably
won't slow down for another two years... or more. Damn.
A small price to pay for a friend that will always be loyal and love you no matter what. Good looking dog.
Larry - He is definitely a lover-boy :)
I plan on keeping him a long time.
The Lab/Scottie mix I had never did slow down. Ditto kdzu's remark. Sparky stole your heart fast, huh!
Fine looking specimen! He's lucky to have found you to adopt...
Bonnie - yeah... it was instant :)
Winston - musta been fate...:)
How cute is he! What a little face!
I never look at black dogs again after I heard the term "grimm" used to refer to them. Granted a grimm is usually something like an Irish Wolfhound of mythic proportions and flame shooting out his... er... well, and so Sparky isn't probably a grimm, but until potty training is over you might want to keep a fire extinguisher handy. *wink*
Yeah. photographing a puppy is like trying to photograph a falling leaf.
He looks... uh... energetic and happy.
Corby - a charmer, for sure.
Irrel - fire extinguisher?... dang, I need to google 'grimm' :)
Scott - heh... you've got him pegged!
Do I see some pit bull in that puppy? Looks an awful lot like my own pitador. Cute.
Rick - I was told he is lab and chow. He doesn't have the stocky head or barrel chest of a pit, that I can see, anyway.
Yogi is 4 this summer. He's purbread lab (official name Yogi of Jellystone Baker).
He didn't start to slow down until probably the last six months, even if I walked him 3 or 4 miles every morning and had a pet sitter take him out at lunch he was still raring to go when I'd roll in. Now he just hangs out with me while I paint or write. Ahhhh.
Purebred. . I can't spell until that first pot of coffee is gone.
Scully - 4... 4... guessing I am going to get some excercise!
And now your first puppy post! YAY!!!
k - hehe, thanks!
oh, and...welcome home!
Kinda looks like Bo's NeeNeeGirl - that is before she got fat from all of Bo's love and minus all that gray hair on her chinny chin chin.
Dogs are great! They're work but worth it!
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