Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bother me, please.......

Perhaps I should say............"selective bothering"............yes, I like that better............for now at least........ Being open to all and everything is good.....but there are times when it is necessary to enforce protect oneself from influences that have caused pain.......... or regrets, in the past............ is this a sign of weakness or strength?.............. Perhaps it is a sign of self-knowledge............finally learning what we need in our lives to continue ...or to return to being our true selves............and having the strength to remain true......... So, being bothered is a continuing lesson in learning and remembering who we are......... Allowing everything in all the time can be overwhelming............. especially when we are in a vulnerable state....emotionally or physically ............ The strength of ourselves cannot be maintained or improved unless we are conscious of what is influencing us at the time.......... Allowing ourselves to be bothered by negative people.. situations....... experiences....undermines our level of inner strength..... and jeopardizes our true selves........... It has been only recently that I let my conscious self acknowledge my true self again......... and, consequently, was horrified at what I saw............. horrified at what I had been allowing to bother my life.......... but also calmed and strengthened by the recognition of the control I have within myself to bring myself back to the true me.
I also recognize that it is impossible........ unrealistic and dangerous ........... to attempt to ignore the negative constants in life......... What I see now as healthy is the choices I have
....and have always had........... in how I deal with the negative constants......... Observing them.. maneuvering around them........ meeting them head on...... it is all my choice..... and it is all within my strength and ability.......... And that realization makes me stronger because it reinforces my belief in myself........... which, in turn, reinforces my acceptance of myself.

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