food the other day, I noticed
something laying on the floor
in the garage. Seems critters have
been chewing through boxes in the rafters.
These photos of Michael had floated
to the floor.

Key West about 1995, in a bar called
Captain Tony's.
The middle pic is about ten years
earlier. We were with friends at a
place the locals call 'the rocks' just
south of Marineland.

The bottom photo is one I took
for a portrait photography class about 1985.
I was heavily into photography back
then. Most of what I took is probably
buried in other boxes and damaged
by mildew and who-knows-what,
worse than these. I sold quite a few
prints at one time but, other things
in life took precedence so photography
got set aside.
Not sure why I felt compelled to post these.
Perhaps every story needs a face.