Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Picking up the slack...

 Good news is always a pleasure to spread.
Ann had a follow-up MRI and the results
were exciting and very encouraging. No signs
of the pituitary adenoma coming back or spreading.
The surgeon was thrilled and said she would
have another MRI in 6 months just to keep track.
Big sigh of relief.

Carol came through the ostomy reversal surgery
with flying colors and has completely healed.
She has an appointment with her oncologist Friday.
She'll get the results of her latest CT scan and hope
there are no signs of new cancer or spreading of
the cancer we know is there. Because of all the
surgeries and emergencies, she hasn't had any
kind of chemo since January...well, except for the
one colon cancer cycle that put her in the hospital
and rehab for almost two months.
We're 99% sure she'll go back on chemo for the breast
cancer she's been battling for more than 12 years but
unless the colon cancer rears its ugly head, there will
be no chemo for that.

This past month has been almost like a vacation because
there have been so few appointments and procedures
to deal with.

I'm getting ready for Christmas. Almost done shopping
and ready for wrapping and hiding and mailing.
Life is good.

I've been able to take more time to read lately.
This is what I'm working on now:

The worst situation is the horrible hurricane
damages and deaths this year with yet another
monster on its way as soon as tomorrow.
May all in its path survive.


Anonymous said...

That’s great news

Anonymous said...

Grateful for God's positive answer to our prayers. Love to you and your family.