Monday, October 14, 2024

Here we go again... (update)

In spite of good news, there is a new hiccup for Carol

They've been monitoring a spot on her left lung.
Comparing it from this scan to the one done in June,
it has doubled in size. Not good.

Oncologist said that is a definite sign of active cancer.
The complication is placement. It's behind the heart
which may make it nearly impossible to reach
to do a biopsy which means they won't know what
kind of cancer it is. Which means they won't know
what chemo to attack it with.

Radiation would also be tricky to impossible.

She is scheduled for a PET scan Friday. It will give
a more detailed look at the lymph node/spot area.

They'll be involving top-notch radiologists and surgeons
to look at the PET scan image and make recommendations.
Probably won't get their evaluations until beginning of November.

In the meantime, we will be (at least I will be) on pins
and needles waiting...waiting...

If you are so inclined, more good thoughts and prayers
would be appreciated.

(update...Carol got a call this morning saying her insurance
company refused approval for the PET scan. She had to
reschedule for November 7. Waiting 3 weeks instead of one.
Damn their asses.)


Anonymous said...

Ah, geez. You all are in my prayers

Jean said...

Thank you, Joe.
If there is a god, he/she is a sadistic, cruel s.o.b.