Saturday, June 22, 2024

Breathing room...

 Carol finally got well enough to get moved to
a rehab facility. She's making good progress there.
She was actually able to walk (with a walker) the
length of the hallway from physical therapy to
her room. That's more mobility than she's had
in over a month.
Monday we see her oncologist to find out what the
plan is there.
Wednesday we head to Cleveland Clinic so Ann
can meet with her surgeon to find out when they
will remove the pituitary adenoma that is blurring
her vision in one eye. The adenoma is the size
of a plumb. Much larger than average.

Still much to do for both my sisters.


Anonymous said...

Praying rehab does wonders for Carol, that Ann's surgery is successful, and that God provides his comfort for you.


Jean said...

Thank you, bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jean

Jean said...

Doing what we can, Joe.