Tuesday, March 04, 2025

I have been remiss...

Anyone who read American Digest knows the author
Gerard Van der Leun passed away two years ago.
His site has been maintained by his friend Neo, per
his wishes, but he also wanted the site to go dark
at the end of that time. It's happening soon.

Meanwhile, a new blog New American Digest,
has been built and is being maintained by
A.D. reader/commenter DT.
DT is doing a mahhhvelous job in spite of his
heavy-duty real life workload. He is also very
graciously allowing me to submit some of my
work from Pondering....... to post to NAD.

He started putting all the new blog together in
January but for some reason I completely forgot
to announce and link to it here. That is the remiss part.

I encourage everyone to visit New American Digest.
DT is quite the wordsmith himself and is writing a
long series about the stagecoach trails out west.
Among other topics of interest to many.

I sincerely apologize, DT, for being so late in announcing
New American Digest. Mea culpa.


Saturday, March 01, 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

re-post from 11-8-2009...

Code blue (wake me when it's over)...

for a long time
I stopped.
flat disappeared.
and when you
are not
there is nowhere
to go.
so you stay
where you're not
and never wake up.
'til a day comes
that jars you
and the wounds
start to bleed.
then you get up
and walk
through the door
into daylight
and you see that
the road to salvation
is waiting
right where it's ever been the whole time
that you thought
you were not.


blue skies
smilin' at me
nothin' but
blue skies
do I see.

if I were
any happier
I'd have to
wear a bib.