A year ago I was in Ohio for my 40-year high school reunion.
Unemployed but not too worried, yet.
I moved away from there 36 years ago.
Everyone's lives took their own paths. Some good, some not so.
I spent a lot of time wondering what my life would have been
if I had not moved away. Or, at least, not moved to Florida.
I have to keep reminding myself that there is no answer to
that question. Wondering is a waste of time.
Living in the present can be a challenge for me. The future
is such an unknown no matter how carefully plans are made.
'What ifs' eat up time better spent on now. Today.
It's too easy to miss what is good around one at the moment.
That time doesn't come back, either.
The best thing that happened to me that weekend had nothing
to do with the past. It was getting to meet Berry in person.
We've enjoyed every day since, even if all but nine of those
days have been apart.
Sometimes, life gets better if you let it.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Thanks, Jean, hope you have a great one as well.
Karma is funny, i just started reading "the Power of Now." -again- Maybe someday I'll actually live in the moment.
any day now...
any day.
Michael, I've almost picked up that book many times. Thanks for reminding me.
Berry ♥
I think we all wonder 'what would have been' if we'd done a certain something different. Some of the worst parts of my life, I realize helped to shape me into the person I am. It's not so much where I am and what I'm doing, but who I am, what I've become. In every aspect of my life... there is ONE person I have met that I needed to meet. I have found over time, I'm cool with the paths I took because each of these people I met... I'd not change it out for.
You're right, Bou. It is important to find the reason behind the adventure.
I find that I've spent too much time either living in the past or the future. Both have interfered greatly with the now. The marvel is that my children have anything to do with me at all. Surprisingly, for all their independence, which we encouraged, their love is boundless. I'm still striving for the future and not worried so much about the past anymore. I suppose when I'm 192 years old, which is my intended goal, I'll still be reaching for the brass ring. The future, after all, is the only thing we have any hope of changing. The now is, the past was, the future is still to be determined.
Hope, they say, springs eternal from the youthful breast.
Larry, we are taught all our young lives to 'prepare for the future'. I think we need some balance there.
I am not at all surprised that your children love you muchly.
Anon - d:-)
Hi Jean,
"Wondering is a waste of time."
Sitting here wondering
- If my blog is a waste of time?
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