Jane, over at , "How Publishing Really Works" is devoting a whole day and a multitude of links to information on the topic that sends chills up the spines of all writers.
Jane is in the UK and her blog has been on my sidebar for a long time. Always reading time well spent.
After more than four years and 500+ posts, I get a bad case of the creeps when I see which web searches end up here most often. And which posts they find.
I posted about the horrible day my dog died. I cannot imagine the disappointment of the freaks who are looking for "m@m and b@ys". Almost all of those sickos are from other countries. Almost all.
The top draw, however, is the post I wrote last November. It was about a turtle, for shitssake! There are a large variety of search words that land them here. Like: "skinny p@nis", "dangling p@nis", "pencil in p@nis" and on and on. There is no pr0n here, dammit! Classy erotica, at times, but NO pr0n!
Now, I'm curious... what are some of the stranger web search words that you folks have noticed landing on your blogs? Do tell.
Old Blue has volunteered for a second deployment to Afghanistan.
He has also started a new blog to record his tour. Afghan Quest is replacing Bill and Bob's.
Also, please take a moment to read Blackfive's article about Tim Karcher. Tim is a much-loved and highly respected officer who recently suffered devastating injuries in an explosion on his THIRD tour in Iraq.
You can read updates on Tim's progress from his wife by going to Caring Bridge.
I don't think the flea market will be my new home. Time for Plan B. or, B 1/2. Maybe Plan C.
I know I keep saying I hope to have the new blog with the on-line store completed soon. Shit happens. Mostly my stupid shit. Still working on it in fits and starts. Lots of fits.
Maybe progress will be made after the weekend is done kicking my butt. I shall return.
I'm beginning to think that my time spent at the flea market (we won't mention the money spent) is going to be more of an education in networking, marketing and public interests rather than earning much in the way of dollars. Not a bad thing exactly but, it was at least supposed to bring in enough to pay the rent there.
I'm getting mixed reviews from other vendors. Not about my products but about how well they will be received by the typical clientele coming through the market. All the vendors like my products. Potential buyers are very complimentary. Just not buying much at all. But, all the vendors are complaining about the lack of money changing hands. All the vendors say I picked the worst season to start a business there. Summers are always slow and this one is especially sucky. Well... thanksahelluvalot.
Most say if I can hang on until September, business will pick up considerably. Really? One or two have said I should add cheap chotchke to draw interest. One other specifically said I will not see enough people here who will appreciate what I have.
My biggest argument is that I do NOT want to sell anything other than my own work. Period. I do not want to compete with the other vendors who mostly sell inexpensive doo-dads and gee-gaws. (most, not all.) More than one has suggested approaching places like Starbucks and Hallmark stores. Those are now on my list.
One vendor is opening a store on the Boardwalk on the beach with a Hawaiian/tropical theme. She likes what I have but said if I can come up with ideas that go with the theme of her new store, she will sell my products there. I have two ideas on the drawing board.
There are a few of you reading who have experience working for yourselves. My hat is off to you. Seriously. There is no way to know about all the details and time involved in starting a business until you dive in yourself.
I am not giving up. I am learning as I go. Sometimes, I am overwhelmed with information and opinion. I will figure this out if it kills me. (please don't kill me.)
I've started the process with PayPal. Waiting on their confirmation of my banking info.
Recently posted some test photos at theponderingstore. Go take a look, please, and let me know if they show the products clearly. I'm still not sure how the final set-up will be done.
Have I mentioned how much I appreciate all of you and your encouragement, ideas (and orders)? No? Damn me. I do appreciate, very much. And I thank you.
independent *adj. 1 free from outside control; not subject to another's authority. >(of a country) self-governing. 2 not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence. 3 not connected with another.
Hard-fought, earned and won with blood, sweat and tears. Let's not forget it. Let's not let it slip away.