The gracious and generous Sparrow has awarded me
with this 'Over The Top' blog award which also comes
with a thirty-five question meme:
Where is your cell phone? bedroom.
Your hair? short.
Your mother? deceased.
Your father? deceased.
Your favorite food? seafood.
Your dream last night? dunno.
Your favorite drink? margarita.
Your dream/goal? business.
What room are you in? middle.
Your hobby? reading.
Your fear? failure.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? home.
Where were you last night? here.
Something that you aren't? flat-chested.
Muffins? chocolate.
Wish list item? travel.
Where did you grow up? Ohio.
Last thing you did? phone.
What are you wearing? wife-beater.
Your TV? non-cable.
Your pets? Sparky.
Friends? wonderful.
Your life? challenging.
Your mood? happy.
Missing someone? yes.
Vehicle? Blazer.
Something you're not wearing? hat.
Your favorite store? Barnes&Noble.
Your favorite color? all.
When was the last time you laughed? tonight.
Last time you cried? last week.
Your best friend? several.
One place that I go to over and over? post office.
One person who emails me regularly? Berry.
Favorite place to eat? Snack Jack's.
Now, I'm supposed to pass this on to
six other bloggers. Crikey. Where do I start?
Mick, HoosierBoy, Dick, Mark, Lille Diane, Tammi.
Thank You so much Jean...I will do the meme thing a bit later.
Fearing failure is an invitation to the thing you fear. Fear nothing ever.
Thank you so very much, sweet Jean. I was looking at your answers [funny girl you are] and we have a few things in common... I am not flat chested either, and in fact, just broke my cell phone by carrying it in my bra while out on a photo shoot 2 days ago. No I didn't crush it between my massiveness....rather I suffocated it with steam. Moisture damage. See....I AM a hot chick!!! LOL Lesson learned.... I will stop stuffing my bra! hehehe And I currently live in OH.
Thank you again, for thinking of me and awarding me with the Over The Top Award!
At your leisure, Mark.
I fight the fear and keep plodding on.
Lille Diane - oh, girl.. we could be sisters! You are a gem in many ways.
hmmm, I may ask some advice about relocating.
hey! We matched!
Yes, we did! Very cool.
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