Attempted rescue story here.
I can't help but wonder how the old guy is doing.
Found a site called Common Florida Turtles.
This little bit of pondering leads me to believe-
there are no blow jobs in the turtle world. Sad.

they might be friends with...
the Blowfish. Ya think? Maybe?

I know. I know. I ain't right.
Jean...did you take your medicine this morning? Just asking...or maybe you took too much! Thats it! Can I have some too!
I'd be happy to share, Lucy ;-)
May not be right, but you do have a funny sense of humor........or perhaps it's been a while? Maybe you need to get out more often.
Larry, seems I'm going to have lots of free time very soon :-)
I need to re-work my to-do list.
LOL you crack me up. this is an image I did not have before. AHHHH!
Yes, indeed, M...my mind wanders to odd places at times ;-)
I think you're just fine. And, if I'm not mistaken, that very question of turtles and blowjobs is one of the great mystic questions of all times.....
I agree.. You ain't right, but then, that's what I love about you!!
Tammi, it just makes me sad for them, ya know? ;-)
I love you, too, Mick.
...and, if anyone should recognize 'not right', it should be you! heh.
*lmao* Darlin', you are messed up.
Poor turtles.
yeah, Irrel...what was god thinking??
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