Thursday, November 27, 2014

a long list of thankfuls...

Happy Thanksgiving
every day, some way, somehow.


Friday, November 21, 2014

It will warm your belly and make you smile...

Jean's Hungarian Goulash:

1.5 lbs kielbasi, sliced  1/8" pieces.
1 ea med. onion and green pepper, chopped.
minced garlic, to taste.
black pepper, to taste.
6-8 med. potatoes, skin on, cubed or sliced.
1 small bag sliced carrots.
1 med. head of cabbage, cut into chunks.

Soup pot with lid.
6 cups water.

Water in soup pot on med-high heat.
Add all ingredients, reduce heat to med-low.
Cover and simmer until cabbage, carrots and potatoes
are fork tender.

Serve and prepare to be happy.

(Good bread for dipping is nice but not required.)

Monday, November 17, 2014


the snow sky is a 
beige flannel blanket that keeps
the warmth in heaven.
leaving the ice wind for us.

The first one is a big one...

Have been watching it snow since last night.
Didn't start accumulating until sometime early
this morning.

It's time to clear the driveway and the sidewalk
and the steps. *sigh*

The snow shovel and the jugs of salt are waiting for me.

OK, I'm going outside now. Really. Layering up.

 on 3... 1... 2... dammit...3

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Christmas shopping done...

I may procrastinate in almost everything else, but
Christmas shopping ain't one of 'em.


Hard to believe it was
two years ago today that
I lost Sparky. Still miss him
every day.


Sister is doing pretty well, except for a couple of infections.
About a month ago, she clipped off a hangnail and her thumb
got infected. Took more than two weeks of heavy antibiotics
to clear it up. Then, last Friday, she looked like she had a 
black eye. Went to the oncologist and they gave her antibiotics
for an infection in and under her eye. It's just now starting to
look better. Everything else seems fine but still, I worry.


Might be a good time to start stocking up on salt for the driveway.
Snow falling on sidewalks will be here too soon.


Hope ya'll are doing well.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Beaches, Birds and Butterflies...

Best thing I've done for myself
in a very long time.

First day, we went to the beach, cuz I wanted to make sure it was 
still there. It was.
The soothing low roar, the salt in the air and the
palm trees cleansed my soul.
A trip to beautiful Winter Park for a luxurious lunch and followed
by a stroll through the Audubon Bird Refuge made for another
double highlight day.
Then there was a trip to a huge plant nursery to walk through
their butterfly habitat.

I was treated to a belated birthday dinner at Carrabas and then a movie.

Delicious food every day and amazing company with dear friends
made my four days there perfect. I came home a much happier person.
I didn't realize how much I needed a break to wind down from the
past two and a half years.

Good friends make life better. 
Thank you, Jan (and the whole gang)!