Friday, April 05, 2013

Haiku Monday -- BLOOM...

The subject for Monday's Haiku challenge is -

******** BLOOM (noun or verb) *********

Format should be the old, reliable 5-7-5.

Please limit the number of your submissions for
judging to two. Leave your entries in comments here.

Lastly, do not use the word bloom in your haiku.

Posting an image on your blog for illustration is welcome.

Submission deadline is midnight Monday eastern time.

I'm looking forward to reading lots and lots of haiku.

Have fun!


  1. A two-year old's take on Haiku Monday

    the sound of fireworks
    a helium filled latex
    it cleans the sidewalks

    It was funnier in my head.

  2. I'm... thinking Jean. Gosh, only two? Don't raise that! Twas a jest.

    Bloom, you say? I'm non-standard, and bloom has many meanings...


    I dunno. I'm a bit too tired to laugh, but... that seems like it could be funny. I just have to place it in the right context, after quickening a bit. But I think it's there.

  3. Good afternoon Jean,

    I know you've been busy and out of the loop, however Fleur used the topic bloom two weeks ago.

    @Doom: Sorry I missed last week. I never saw an announcement that you had posted a topic. It's generally posted in the comments string of the previous week's host.

  4. I guess we just have to think of a different bloom this time around. She does have the rule that we can't use the actual word, so it is a little different.

    Jean, since things have been erratic lately, you might want to visit a few blogs of usual participants and let them know who is hosting this week.

  5. congrats on your win i'll be back later with my entries

  6. Jean--

    Last week

    My two cents:

    Blushing school girl kink
    Crisscrossed legs spread fleetingly


    P.S. Link is drawing/photo I melded together, but may not be everyone's cup Oh tea...

  7. Bloom has been used? Dayuuuuum.
    Well, I have faith that it will work. Just makes it more of a challenge not to repeat (and not to use the word itself)...?

    I'll bounce around to some of the other regulars and ask them to join in.

  8. Karl,

    Apologies. I just do, and it works or not. This was my first shot at it too. Live and learn.

  9. Bloom has many connotations. I'll see if I can wrap my brain around something.

  10. I'm up. Oh, this first one makes more sense with this YouTube video.
    Blooming Idiot:

    Smart as a whiplash
    With the sun shining through thought,
    Downed by chicken.

    Love's Blossoming:

    In her eyes desire.
    In my arms her warmth and trust.
    I wake to new life.

  11. It opens so much

    The furthest part of its reach

    Says hello to me.

  12. dewdrops on petals
    sunlight paints with golden hues
    spring is upon us

  13. Ok, I see we're going for unconventional meanings of bloom. Here's two I fired off quickly at Doom's blog:

    Red death on water
    Putrid fish bellies in air
    Pollution is cause

    Black-petaled stink-eye
    Fragrance lofted on the breeze
    Kitty, different sort.

  14. Huh, funny I should follow Desert Cat with my choice...I was wandering about desert badlands over Easter. My visual at will explain.

    Lichen Sex:

    Peculiar life form.
    Lichen. No pretty flower,
    yet in spores genes mix.

    Blooming Badlands:

    Color arises,
    though ground is hard, dry as bone.
    Rock garden rainbow.


  15. This is inspired by the sleet we had a few days ago..

    Crisp splatter of sleet
    Soft pink blossoms shivering
    I salut thee, spring..

  16. My #2:

    Spring rains redemption
    Cherry blossom burst; not broke
    Blushes with Son's light



  17. my entries

    scared nervous shaky
    heart beats wild uncontrolled
    butterfly Emerges

    roses, daisy, tulips
    April showers quench their thirst
    spring awakens bright

  18. An april sunday
    a snow of cherry petals
    where is my roundup?

    Remember to be Haiku it should have a Kigo word (A seasonal reference) and a Kireji, where the first and second halves of the Haiku are in contrastto one another.

  19. (otherwise it's called Senryu, not Haiku)

  20. Promises of you
    Lies dormant in my cold heart
    Love will resurrect

    I'm up.

  21. Er, ok. Not knowing the rules doesn't help. If I may, revised accordingly:

    Red death on water
    Putrid fish, late summer's harvest
    Pollution is cause

    Black-petaled stink-eye
    Fragrance lofted on spring breeze
    Kitty, different sort.

    Yea, sort of a dark take, but I'm fresh off writing to Doom's theme of last week...

  22. ahhhh... such a variety of talent!

    Ten hours remaining. Then I'll be doing some serious pondering on all entries.

  23. Good evening Jean,

    My what a fine turnout. You obviously have a several friends, well versed in haiku. Reading their works is a pleasure. Perhaps you could help bring the groups together and expand the competition. Thank you for hosting.

    I submit two for your approval. Best of luck all.

    Springs grip released
    From snow to wind and now heat
    Rest now Daffodil

    Evenings first splash
    Crimson billows start to bloom
    Old Mackey is back

  24. Very nice showing here, jean! I am enjoying reading the entries. I'm impressed!

  25. That's supposed to say ... I've enjoyed reading the entries..

  26. Hey! I just figured out who is doing Haiku Monday this week! Look at you! :-) I have 35 minutes.......

  27. Here's mine:

    Murky, rainy world
    tardy Spring, April showers
    please bring my flowers.

    Happy Haiku Monday! Glad to see you hosting. xoxo

  28. What a wonderful turnout. Thank you all!
    Results will be posted later today.
