My evening entertainment today.
I call it "Zebra in Snowbank".
The paper is actually pure white even
though it has gray tints here. Oh well.
One ear is too thick at the bottom and
I should've made the nose longer.

Found a kid's book for a dollar.
Used this photo to work from.
It's a start! Quit nitpicking it. It's lovely.
Put on some awesome music, have your fav beverage, and draw again and again using a big fat crayon. Give in to the muse. It's like writing. Get lost in the motion of drawing, not in the perfection of it.
I'm so jealous!
Jealous?? You've got talent I couldn't begin to hope for.
(it was fun, though. I was lost in my head. World gone.)
But we all knew it was a zebra...
Ha! Thank goodness for that, Mr N.
Oh...Joan? I slapped myself after I left that reply to your comment. You're jealous of the free time I have compared to you working your new business. Not my talent. duh.
So...this IS how Monet got started, right?
it took posting it twice (three times counting the first unprinted one.
On the other hand, I have since thought about it and realize thiws IS how Monet started.
Back when people were still trading chickens for rib eyes and cans of dogfood (how else would they get rid of the snakes?) someone thought up using paper with pretty pictures n it, and the pictures were as pretty as Monet paintings so they called it Monet...and, of course, nobody in the US could be bothered with learning French, so they Americanized it into...
Which most don't capitalize...
but some capitalize on.
And that's how we get capitalism.
Are you buying any of this drivel, babe?
Probably not, eh?
ok, well...there it is
Jean in nature no matter what creature when there is a pair of something (boobs, eyes, ears etc) they are always slightly different in size and shape. I dunno looks like a Zebra to me...
Better than anything I could do.
Berry, I'm glad you solved comment issues. Dunno what I'm going to do about the places I still can't leave comments.
Mark & Mark... heh, thank you.
No, just jealous of the Muse visiting you. The whole "getting lost in the moment" is an elixir that heals in ways no other form of self-medication can.
And I do see talent there, in your rendering, in lines and subtle omission and inclusions.
BTW, my business partner bailed before Christmas and I held on for two more months before having to fold it up. I'm running on spare parts and safety pins at this point.
Geez, Joan. I am so sorry about the biz. You keep bobbing to the top, though, and I continue to admire that. Hope things get better soon.
you have did an great talents
keep it up..
zebra looks great..
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