Saturday, December 31, 2011

good-bye 2011, bring it on 2012...

I won't say good riddance to 2011.
There was more than enough good
in it that added to my good memory file.
It's rare for me to consider that any time
is wasted.
I try hard to learn something from all times.
Even in those times when I feel wasteful in
my idleness or overwhelmed by some mental
list of things that should be done,
I search for reason. A reason.
What is my reason for being?
Do I need a reason for being?
Is it enough just to be?

Pondering never stops.

I might just treat myself to a bottle of bubbly
this evening. Fuel for pondering, perhaps,
or more honestly, a legal relaxer.

It is another day to be thankful.
Thankful that I know so many people
who embrace me as I am.
A day to remember to return those embraces

May every today contain a blessing,
a reason.
Keep your heart open to see.

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, little sis...

A sister is often a blessing.
When she is also a friend
that blessing is multiplied
many times.

Happy Birthday, Ann,
sister and friend.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

High Tides at Snack Jack...

One of the best seafood restaurants in the area sits, literally,
on top of a sand dune next to A1A in Flagler Beach.
High Tides gets its seafood fresh off the boats every day.

I met NoWhereMan there for lunch.

You can sit outside
at picnic tables but
it was a bit too cool
and windy for that.
Temps only got up
to the mid-60s but,
sunshine was

The ocean was choppy and further south
were dozens of surfers in wet-suits.
(Didn't get pics of the surfers.)

The specials of the day
menu board.
Cash only.

The place was packed,
as usual.

I laughed at this sign.
If you don't know what chum is, go here.

I was not successful at getting
a good photo of the fishing boats.
The white spec on the horizon
in this last photo is one of three
commercial boats dragging
their nets.

Mick and I sat and talked
so long that the restaurant
was almost empty when
we left.
No doubt the kitchen was
getting revved up for the dinner crowd.

Thank you, Mick, for a wonderfully fun afternoon!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Haiku Monday - sweet...

pink cotton candy
clouds greet the new day's sunrise.
welcoming promise.

moonlight and music.
slow dancing and romancing.
don't knock it, try it.

Oompa Loompas have
the sweetest job. Nothing but
choc-o-late all day.

it goes to my hips
and thighs and tummy and cheeks.
nothing escapes bulge.

The topic for this week's Haiku Monday is
Curm is the host.

You have until midnight, his time, to
submit your entries.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas...

Remember that you, yourself, are a gift.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Haiku Monday - spin...

it's all in how you
see it, feel it, believe it.
that's your spin on it.

flattened against the
wall, lights streaking overhead.
ride life's tilt-a-whirl.

It's Haiku Monday time and the topic
is spin.
This week's host is Fleur.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kudos to Kristen...

I be braggin' again...
Do you see the little cutie in the photo
up there, sitting on her daddy's shoulders?
That would be my niece, Kristen, about
eighteen (?) years ago.
She has since grown up to be a most lovely
young lady who...
graduated from college yesterday!
This is one hard-working, ambitious, intelligent gal.
She took double classes in high school and
graduated a year early.
While holding down a job, yo.
She, like her brother, excels at everything she does.

A college diploma, what a marvelous Christmas present, eh?

This is the newest photo I have of the
whole, happy family, taken at her brother's
high school graduation this June.
('ll notice that her daddy has not been
using Rogaine. heh. Help him out, Santa.)

She'll be looking for work in teaching, editing,
writing and/or advertising.

I'm very proud of you, little girl, and
I wish you the best in all things always.
Much love to you, Kristen.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Blue Spring Gentle Giants...

My friend Jan took all four photos on this page.

Park rangers said they counted 66 manatees this day.
We saw a couple dozen.

A mama sea cow and two babies,
most likely only one is hers.

Mama liked doing rollovers.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blue Spring State Park...

Took another walk-about, this time to
Blue Spring, to ooh and ah at the manatees
that enjoy the warm waters here in the winter.
Before we got to the manatees and other wildlife, we wandered
over to the Thursby House. One of the founding families
for this area and who originally owned this huge property...

An artist's rendition of a manatee in mosaic
lounges on the front porch. (Just for you, Boxer!)

It started to rain lightly, so we ducked into
the gift shop for shelter and browsing.
That's my friend, Jan, looking at manatee
Christmas ornaments on the tree. She's

taking a day off from bear patrol duty.

The wood sculpture of the mama sea cow
and her calf is about four feet tall.

When the rain stopped, we headed for the park trail,
after taking good note of the warning signs for the
ever-possible alligator. Watch out, Jimbo! heh.

Yes, I took photos of the manatees and oodles of
other nature-y things. Have patience, folks.
This could be a series, like the roses and autumn hiking.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

the nature of things...

it turned out
she didn't mind.

I remember my mom,
bless her beautiful loving soul,
wanted me to play with pretty
dolls and other girl things.
She said I preferred trucks and
the boxes they came in,
and books.
I was her first and a girl.
Why not ruffles and lace?
As it turned out, eventually,
I went my way toward
feminine. Love songs, make-up,
high heels. Within reason.
As it turned out,
she didn't mind at all
and kept on loving
And I loved her back.

Monday, December 12, 2011


"So, you're a carpenter and a wood-carver?" she asked.
He smiled. "And anything else I need to be at the moment."

She caught a movement in the trees to her left.
Felt herself drawn to the movement and in less than a
blink she was in the trees, in the mist.

"Are you frightened?" the mist asked.
"No. Should I be?"
It said "Darlin', you've never been safer."

She watched as features took soft shape; dark hair, even
darker eyes that smiled. The faint form of a strong, healthy

She wrinkled her brow. "I can't see your clothes but you
aren't naked, either. Oh, shit. Are you a ghost?
Why does it feel like I know you?"

"Because you do. In a way.
You know me even though we've never met.
I'm not a ghost. You're seeing my soul.
And, it's your soul that I'm talking to right now."

With a gasp of recognition she said "I didn't know you
were gone! I was coming here to meet you."

"I told everyone it was happening. Turned out to be
sooner than I thought. No tears, babe.
This is a better way."

"We were friends." she whispered.

"That hasn't changed. Except it's even better now.
Listen to me... there is no human way to imagine this.
It is perfection here. Accept that. You'll feel better.
I was wrong about a lot of it. Or, at least the way I
wrote about it."

"You were wrong? Imagine that." she smiled.

"Don't be a smart-ass. I tried the best I could. Just like you.
People make a struggle out of it and it doesn't need to be.
Actually, we don't get a choice. This is the way it is.
This is, I am, nothing is anything like anyone has ever
been able to imagine. It is unknown until you get here."

She tried to glance back over her shoulder, where she had
been. How long ago?

"Don't worry about your friend." The mist knew what
she was thinking. "No one can see you here. When you go
back, he won't know you've been gone.
There is no 'time' here. It's all 'now', and now is forever.
Now and forever are one in perfection. This is not the end,
there is no stopping."

"What about the end times?"

"They've come and gone many times and will continue.
They are neverending, too."

She hesitated. "What about the Son?"

"Same as us. He lived. He tried. He died. He's fine."

"And the Bad Ones?"

"They're here, too. Just not here here. Another part of
the perfection of the perfect balance. Another unimaginable."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because you need it the most and you doubt it the most
and you want it the most. Now go back to the party."

"Will I see you again?"

"Of course. You'll see everyone, all the time,
at the same time. Always.
Go for now. Let life bring your stories and remember
you are loved."
The carpenter was staring at her. "You're looking
a bit pale. Am I boring you?"

"Oh, no. It must be jet lag. Something like a dozen time
zones and I get here three hours before I took off. Or,
something like that." She blushed.

"Well, how about I walk you back to your hotel and you
try to get a good night's sleep? Would you let me take
you to breakfast tomorrow and show you around a bit?"

She took out her notebook. He offered a pen.
She looked at his face, dark hair, darker eyes and said,
"Well, my plans have changed a bit. So, yes. I'd like that."

She wrote her number on a corner of the page, tore it off
and gave it to him. Then she wrote:
'his eyes matched the sky,
both wonder and thunder.'

Feeling a soft breath on her neck, she glanced at the trees,
saw the mist fade away.

Not a ghost. Not a dream.

A memory.

(originally posted 7-28-08. Don't freak. I'm leaving all comments
from then because some are from Bane.)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Haiku Monday - silver...

Angel waiting for
ringing bells conferring wings.
Atta boy, Clarence.

As the Lone Ranger
said, "Hi-yo, Silver! Away!"
Don't forget Tonto.

two-winged silver bells
aren't silver at all. a
delicate flower.


This week's Haiku Monday is hosted by Fishy.
The topic is 'silver'.
C'mon and play.

Thursday, December 08, 2011



Pondering life and all I got was a lousy headache.
And, no sleep. again.
And, no inspiration.

Christmas in seventeen days. yikes.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Haiku Monday - time...

time out of mind was
or yet to be remembered
in one-thought pieces.

once upon a time
this time seemed neverending.
all time is not ours.

winding, winding down
flash-flash path of memory
exhale one last time.

love it this time more
than last time. there may not be
another time here.

Karl is this week's Haiku Monday host.
Use the 5-7-5 format and join in.
Fun group of peeps.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

in case it shows up fuzzy...

Someday, I want this umbrella on a t-shirt.
It's an original sketch by me.
For now, I'm using it in place of a me-photo.

I considered using one of these cat photos but,
hesitate to offend. Even when I'm in a shitty mood.
Niceness like that is what got me voted
"Most Courteous" in my h.s. senior class.
Embarrassing but true.

It is December. Such joy.