Friday, April 22, 2011

Water for Elephants...

I read the book a few years ago.
Incredible. Fabulous.

I saw the movie today.
Incredible. Fabulous.

Click the photos for more information.


  1. Doesn't sound like my thing.

    I finished Deliver Us From Evil a few weeks ago. It was a solid C-. The ending was so rushed. It was like, "Oh chytt, I need to finish this tonight!" The author realized this after droning on with 400 pages of attention to detail.

  2. It was one of the best books I've ever read -- I devoured it in less than three days when I was out west a couple years back. CANNOT WAIT to see the movie.

  3. Mark, I'm not familiar with that book.

    Chick flick, Mark? Yeah, so? heh.
    Actually, there's more to it than that.

    Erica! You live! You've been missed.
    I guess the critics aren't raving about the movie but, I loved it.

  4. OK, gotta get teh book, then I'll see the movie!

  5. Berry, it isn't sci-fi or humor.

    Thank you, Mrs. Froth!

  6. Appreciate the recommendation.

    Hope you had a nice Easter too.


  7. Thanks, Freddie. Hope it was good in your house.

    (you'll love the movie)
