Saturday, April 30, 2011

the garage gives up a ghost...

While dishing out Sparky's
food the other day, I noticed
something laying on the floor
in the garage. Seems critters have
been chewing through boxes in the rafters.
These photos of Michael had floated
to the floor.
The first one is from our last trip to
Key West about 1995, in a bar called
Captain Tony's.
The middle pic is about ten years
earlier. We were with friends at a
place the locals call 'the rocks' just
south of Marineland.

The bottom photo is one I took
for a portrait photography class about 1985.

I was heavily into photography back
then. Most of what I took is probably
buried in other boxes and damaged
by mildew and who-knows-what,
worse than these. I sold quite a few
prints at one time but, other things
in life took precedence so photography
got set aside.

Not sure why I felt compelled to post these.
Perhaps every story needs a face.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


is it where you've
or where you

Friday, April 22, 2011

Water for Elephants...

I read the book a few years ago.
Incredible. Fabulous.

I saw the movie today.
Incredible. Fabulous.

Click the photos for more information.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

life in time...

tight two-step
unruly rhumba
sexy slide
waltz of wonder
tangled tango
jiggity jig
tap-dancing solo
shuffle off to Buffalo low.
take a breath
take a bow
take a seat
for now.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Confederate jasmine...

southern Spring warming
white blossoms glow in sunshine
pungent sweet perfume

Monday, April 11, 2011

Healthy and Busy...

Things have been piling up for a long time.
It's time to bag it up and dump the trash.

Makes no sense? Just know that I will keep visiting
and commenting at your places but things will be
hit or miss here.

So, what else is new, right?

Maybe I'll take some photos and post them just to
keep things from growing moldy at Pondering.......

Be well, my friends and, don't forget me.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

ah hab a cobe i'by dose...

Will they ever admit to having a cure
for the common cold?
Of course not. Too many make too much
money the way it is now. Bastids.

I hate missing work when we are so busy but
this nastiness has made the rounds with
almost everyone else. Guess it's my turn.

They told us yesterday that March was a
record month and they see April and May
to be close to the same. Job security sounds good.

For today, however, I'll be wrapped in blankets
in a semi-comatose state. After I feed Sparky.

What a lousy way to spend a beautiful day.

Saturday, April 02, 2011



some object to
being corrected.
missing a chance
to learn
because ego
is more important.
dumb grows.