Wednesday, November 24, 2010

what not to do to your family...

Awkward Family Photos

found at Sippican's Boys Blog.


  1. just now cracking into national geo, but am confused.
    If it's National Geographic...what are they doing dancing all over the world?
    Wouldn't that be
    World Geographic?

  2. Hey girl. Wanted to take this opportunity say happy Thanksgiving (for, what, like the fourth time now?).

    Also, about the hockey puck rolls - (don't tell her I said so, but) those were the only kind my mom ever made.


  3. Berry- or, international.

    Freddie- yeah, we've been doing this a long time. I'm thankful for us finding each other here.
    Have a great day!

  4. Thank you for this link. You made my day, it is better than Shorpy!

    Happy Thanksgiving, jean.

  5. Sippican has much great stuff, HB.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you!
