Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas haiku #1...

sleigh bells, silver bells.
once upon a midnight dreary.
cash register ching.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Deland Art Festival... Part Three

the title is "Caught Fishing"
A talented artist with a sense of humor.
That would be R. L. Alexander.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Deland Art Festival... Part Two

Many of the buildings in Deland have painted murals
depicting bits of the town history and past and
current prominent citizens.

Unfortunately, this artist does not have her own website.
Her name is Donna McCarthy-Jensen.

Her husband is a potter and has a site here.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deland Art Festival... Part One

I'm going to post the pics from the Deland Art Festival
a few at a time, in separate posts.
The weather was beautiful but there were some disappointments.
First, there were noticeably fewer participants than in the past.
Second, a lot of the pieces were left over from past shows. Not
as much new stuff as expected.
Third, a lot of the artists would not allow photos of their work.

This artist, however, didn't mind at all.
Richard Currier. Go look at his website.
Fantastic work. And, note the size of the pieces.
I don't think anything is smaller than 30"x30".
He only had about half a dozen pieces at the show
and they were all at least 4'x5'.

I'll do more tomorrow.

(click on the pics to make bigger.)

Friday, November 19, 2010


(someone should put together an American Blogger Dictionary)

So. How ya been?

Myself, I am guilty of serious blogger slackery due
to my longgggggggg stretch of gloomy shititude.

To help me hide from the world, I've been reading.
And, reading. And, reading.

Things such as:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (as good as the movie),
a biography of Mark Twain (slow beginning),
a biography of John Forbes Nash (Russell Crowe movie 'A Beautiful Mind'),
The Memory Keeper's Daughter (excellent),
a biography of Lewis Grizzard (sad),
To Kill A Mockingbird (several times),
Books (a memoir by Larry McMurtry),
Lonesome Dove (wonderful),
Atonement (excellent),
short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald (sucked),
Divine Sisters of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (loved it),
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (awesome. why no movie?).

That's a sample.
I regularly scavenge through the library's books-for-sale room
and Goodwill shops for cheap prices. Lonesome Dove was $.10.
I'll be starting on a bio of Zelda Fitzgerald soon. One dollah.

Work is the same. Still part-time.
Yesterday was my last day until November 29. They shut down
for the week of Thanksgiving. No pay for me but, oh well.

Tomorrow I'll be meeting a galfriend for lunch and a leisurely
stroll through a large art festival in Deland. If I remember
to get fresh batteries for the camera and then actually use
the camera, I may have some pics to post this weekend.

I know. You are panting in anticipation.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, November 05, 2010

the Pondering....... store

Christmas card, with envelope, 4 for $20.00
Single card, framed, $15.00