And, there was for sure no Julio in my high school
graduating class of 140 in 1969 small town Ohio.
Perhaps I should begin at the beginning.
I caught a flight out of Daytona at 6am last Thursday.
Layover in Atlanta, then Detroit, finally landing in
Toledo where I picked up the rental car and asked
for basic directions heading to my first destination.
So far, so good until I discovered what else I forgot
to pack for the trip... make-up and my phone charger.
AND my camera. dammit.
Already had to buy a book at Daytona's airport so I'd
have something to read for seven hours since I left the
book I planned on bringing on my bed at home.
I blame my brain-farts of forgetfulness on the fact that
I did not sleep Wednesday night. Too excited and afraid
I'd oversleep and miss the plane.
Didn't have time to shop Thursday because I was meeting
an old friend for a long-awaited visit after too many years.
That visit was more than lovely.
Then Friday I met with Boneman, in person, for the first
time ever. He drove up from Indiana. Wow!
We had breakfast, talked, shopped, talked, had dinner,
talked... and talked some more. And, we laughed. A lot.
I love meeting blog friends. They are the best.
We're already planning another meeting. We said good-bye,
sadly, Saturday morning and I headed to my next destination.
I was aiming for Rocky River (it rubs elbows with the west
side of Cleveland) and my best galfriend from high school,
Becky. You may remember her as the goose-chaser. Yes, you do.
Since I have a serious aversion to interstate roads, I plotted
a route on scenic two-lane roads for the entire three-hour
trip to Rocky River. Most of that trip was on Route 6, which
follows the edge of Lake Erie. Beautiful. Ah, yes, I was home.
OK, I got lost on the way... because there was road blockage
and I got detoured back up to I-90 and around. Took the exit
as directed by the orange detour signs and ended up just a
wee bit farther east than needed.
But, because of the miracle of cell phones, all ended well
and I made it to Becky's in one piece and it was still daylight.
Actually, it was noon, so it damn well should have been daylight.
So, more visiting and then Becky and I headed to Ravenna.
We got lost in Ravenna. Looking for another galfriend's house
so we could pick her up and go roaming around the
countryside and visit old stomping grounds. I think
we finally found Janet's house about 3 pm.
Reunion dinner and party was scheduled to begin at 6 pm.
Are you feeling the sense of hectic over-planning here?
Well, we made the tour, complete with driving around
the high school and meeting one of the school board
members and chatting with him for over an hour.
Tossed our names in the hat for the Alumni Association
they are putting together. Then...
we visited with the folks who live in Becky's childhood
home. More good times and reminiscing.
Hauled ass back to Janet's, changed clothes and still
made it to the reunion by 6. We girls are good.
The reunion party was wonderful even though there
were only about fifty in attendance. Several classmates
are dead so they were excused.
The others should be ashamed. They missed a great time.
We closed the place at 1 am and continued the party
at Janet's until 5:30. Oh yeah. Drinking and talking go
well together, don't you think?
Next morning was breakfast (late) and driving Becky
back to Rocky River. A bit more visiting and then I
headed to Findlay to do the family visiting.
Got lost again. Rescued by cell phones again.
Spent the night in Findlay and headed for the Toledo
airport for the return flight early Monday morning.
Got lost in Toledo.
This time it was a very nice young man working in a
convenience store who got me back to where I needed
to be in order to get the car to the airport and me checked
in with Delta. Still had time for lunch before boarding.
Since I didn't have my camera, the only photo from the
entire weekend is one that Boneman took of us Friday.

I'm hoping some of my classmates will share
some that they took. But, those may not be publishable.
Since returning to Florida, I've spent copious hours on
the net looking at houses for sale in Ohio.
I go through this every time I visit there.
Maybe this time is the real time.
Have you ever considered a Tom-Tom, or such? Then again, you always made it where you were going. It sounds like a great trip for you. And, the over planning... it always looks better on paper doesn't it? I too, have always found internet people to be rather good people to meet, too, so far.
It is so good to see you get out and visit though. I hate thinking about you sitting about, like me. Your a girl, and should socialize and stuff. I do wonder though, when you think about moving back to Ohio, if you remember winters? I like them, but most do not. Fewer women still, like winter.
It is good to see you safe and sound, back at your house though.
Sounds like a great time. I wish I could go visit some of my girl friends from high school. Especially a couple that dropped out early to down load a youngun. And no, I did not assist in the uploading. Just wishful perverted thinking as per usual.
Sounds like ya had a blast!
Little trip screw ups are greatness because they make it that much more memorable.
Ya didn't say, but I hope ya had some fun!
Doom - no idea what a tom-Tom is. Some kind of navigator thingy? Nah, the adventure is more fun with a big map and a cell phone.
Bloggers are almost always wonderful folks. I think Boneman makes the sixth I've had the pleasure of meeting in person. Might have a chance to meet more in October, too.
And, you're right, I don't socialize much in Florida. Just not interested, I guess.
Winters in Ohio could be rough but I'm a pretty tough broad :-)
Thanks for the welcome back.
Larry, it was a great time. And, I bet those old girlfriends would love to see you again. Perverted or not.
Dick, it was indeed a blast. The little blips added to the interest and memories, absolutely.
If you are thinking of the kind of fun I think you are thinking. Yes.
That sounds like an amazing trip...good for you! Usually when I go out of town, I can hardly wait to get home. But then that's the question here, isn't it? Is home FL or OH? I've been in Toledo and I actually kind of liked it, but I was surprised at all the mosques they have there. They kind of glow in the sun from a distance...pretty hard to miss them. Glad you're back safe and sound; we missed you!
p.s.: GREAT picture btw. Thanks for that.
Everytime we go home for a visit there is that magnetic pull to stay there and not come back to this city.
We felt it in Key West visiting his family and in Central Arkansas visiting my family...
As much as we love Florida we've decided on Arkansas... we're in our "30"s and want to settle with babies and... we don't want our future children raised or to grow up in chicago, IL... and we love the schools we went to in Arkansas.
I am very pleased to hear you eventually found your way! And that you had a wonderful school reunion with your pals!
Teresa - my time in Toledo was brief. I only went there because that was the cheap flight destination. And then I headed a bit south of there to meet friends and later family met at my bro's in Findlay.
My stomping grounds are actually NE Ohio...Ravenna, Akron, etc.
Just about the only thing I missed while I was gone was Sparky ;-)
(Glad you like the photo.)
Blaez - ah, yes, dear...go where your heart is. I'd say Florida is for vacation.
I'm lucky to have gone to school with so many wonderful people. I love them all.
Didn't read it all.
Did you get laid?
Me. Point. Made. Sorry.
Sounds like quite a trip!
Marky-Mark, getting laid by a classmate was not on the to-do list but, I'm not complaining.
Jason, 'twas mahvelous.
Glad you had fun!!!
Thank you, Freddie, it was great!
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