Monday, August 10, 2009

Remember when...

you took me to the airport and I asked you
to leave so you wouldn't see me cry?
That was one of the dumbest things
I've ever done.
I'm sorry.


  1. We can be so foolish sometimes. But isn't that quaint, too, in time? If we hadn't done anything we regret, how would we be sure what is right, now? And sorrow has it's own reasons and goodness, doesn't it?

    Oh, fine, stew if it is good. It works for tomatoes, too. :)

  2. Plucking away on the old tough guys heart strings can stop that now or there may be two in tears.

  3. Doom, sometimes a mistake is always a mistake.

    Mark, tears wash the soul in comfort sometimes.

  4. Sometime my Queen you are not the only one that cry's and just when your tears dry others start to fall. . .

  5. When we learn from our mistakes we gain a little bit of wisdom. When we don't learn from them we exhibit a lack of wisdom.
    Sounds like you'll soon be so wise that like Johnathon Livingston Seagull you'll be translated to a higher plane of living.
    Being sorry for hurting someone is wisdom. Sorry for making the mistakes just wastes time.
    Again you express in a few words those emotions so common to us all. Being able to do so is a unique gift.
    Thank you.

  6. Anon... ♥

    Larry... and I am fortunate to gain wisdom from my friends. thank you.

  7. "Tears cleanse the mind...but they seldom cleanse the heart"
    Susie Hemingway Moursi
