I love this photo... it says .......Pondering....... all over it.
Photographer is Ralph Rankin.
Met him at the art festival last weekend.
He also does some wonderful work in pottery.
Maybe we should have a caption contest? Huh? Yeah?
Leave your ideas in the comments. Somehow we or I
will pick a winner. I'll even give a prize to the winner.
Let's do it!
UPDATE: Get all your captions in by 10 pm Tuesday.
I'll figure out some voting thing so a winner can be
.....oh for shits sake.....
Hey! I never claimed to be creative! ;-)
"Damn!, that Jean is hot. I gotta figure out a way to get her away from Tarzan"
ok, let me think about it.
first i find banana.
then i set banana down and go around tree to pee.
then i lose banana.
peeing makes bananas go away?
it was me.
saw someone use the btw back there and thought again about saying....
"Not tonight dear, I have a headache."
Man I'm getting so tired of that crap!
What do women want?
Very good, very good... keep it going!
Hey there little ant, after I itch my eyebrow I think I will squish you.
lessee...where did I leave the keys to that vine, anyway?
Hurry up and focus your camera will you...one more photo and that's it
Geez! Give me a break I'm sick of propping up this tree
she's so pretty....i wonder if she'd say yes....
To be, or not to be... sentient.
That damn Jane Goodall dumped me for a friggin' turtle.
"How did it come to this? I am powerful, I am smart, and I was once free, dignified, and a lord of my domain."
Do you think Letterman is interested in stupid ape tricks? Maybe if I talk to Jack Hanna -- they're buddies. Hmmmm....
"Back. thefuck. Off."
You guys do know that the above comment is a caption for the pic, right?
HEAD ON - apply directly to the forehead. HEAD ON - apply directly to the... What the hell-I'm eating it!!!
Tarzan, my ass.
"What does Brad Pitt got that I sooo don't got?"
Of course, Jean. If I thought you were slamming me, or someone else... well, I don't think you would do that. Not that way. Even if I sometimes deserve it, urhm, according to you? :p You are too nice to necessarily just say what you think. Or you try to think nice or say nothing. Or, that is my take.
Gee, don't worry. I think most people would be hurt by harsh words from you, but I for one, would really have to look at what I had said if you happened to become unglued a bit. Relax... It looks like most people here love you, really really.
aw, Doom. Thank you for the reassurance :-)
I've spent most of my life worrying too much. Am working on that, though.
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