Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hidden Haiku...

The Haiku Challenge is on at Sparrow's.

This week's topic is: SECRETS.

Deadline for your entry is midnight tonight.

UPDATE: I submitted two for this week...

little bitty things
that can end up devouring
you from inside out.

If I tell you, I'll
have to kill you. And we don't
want that, now, do we?


  1. I've got a secret.

    No, I will never tell you.

    It is mine to keep.

  2. My son is doing these in school right now. I'm going to ask him to do this one!!

  3. wait just a minute
    I thought these were for your muse
    The questions for youse.

    (sorry. I appear to be haikuing)

    We were to ask you
    things that would get you writing
    but not for answers.

    Well I remembered
    another way yet for you
    and it ain't half bad.

    Go to my sidebar
    slide on down to the bottom
    there will be SWEDISH

    DUTIES waiting just for you
    and when you get there

    music just starts up
    go to the fist posts comments
    you'll see me at nine

    The music did it
    I couldn't believe it, eh?
    The music did it.

    So find your tunes and
    "Write like the wind, old woman!"
    (ok. Not so old)

    We'll just forget that
    and move on to the music
    (and move to the muse)

  4. Mark...are you going to submit that??

    Jack...let me know what he comes up with, ok?

    Berry...I'm going to be doing more of the questions, for sure. I wanted to make sure I remembered Sparrow's Haiku contest, too.
    I'll check out the new place shortly :-)

  5. Secrets, little known,
    From the heart, not to be shared
    Secrets, big or small

  6. You win, as far as I'm concerned!

    I love that second one!

  7. Yeah, Jean, he done good.

  8. Thanks, Joanie!

    You should be proud, Jack.

  9. I guess it all depends on HOW you plan on killing me. *grin*

  10. Jean and Irrelephant sitting in a red wagon,
    she's kind'a uncomfortable, but his tail's a waggin'....
    first comes the drooling...
    wait a minute, wait a minute.
    This is a "g-rated" blog.....
    you guys can't be doing that...


  11. ....hmmmm

    don't quite know what to make of those events....
