Sunday, March 09, 2008

I hate socks...

feet are cold.
toes are blue.
ought to put
some socks
on you.

Is this the best I can do? Yes.

It feels like my writing soul is dead and there is no reason why.
Life is actually not too bad right now.

The new owners had a meeting with all of us this week.
Positive words were spewed that made the future there
look like it will last longer than another month or two.

Seems that we peons were fed some serious mis-information
by the in-between white-collar people. Schmucks.

The plan really is... a major renovation of our building, to
include lots of new equipment. Serious focusing on acquiring
new work. Diversify. Improve. Make money.
duh. Isn't that the purpose of most businesses?

They do not want us to go away. They want us to get better.

What this does for me is remove the panic factor.
I can research and plan a life change in a timely manner.
I can expect regular paychecks to continue for a while.
(No one can guarantee anything forever.)
I have a nice amount of vacation time that I can use to
make some trips to calmly check out other options.

I hope to spend a few days in Tennessee to do just that...
later this month, after I rack up a bit more overtime to
cover the cost of gasoline and a motel or two.
No... I haven't heard anything from the resume, yet.
I still feel that something is going to work out, though.
It may just be something I haven't considered yet, so I
am keeping myself open to input from the Universe.

I do have this vision of what, in my perfect little idealistic
romantic world, I would really, really want to happen.
It's that impossible dream that cannot come true.
Or, can it?

If I can write it out without sounding like a cross between
Pollyanna and Julie Andrews, I'll post it.

It is so very nice to breathe easier again. For now.


Erica said...

This is more about your "writing soul" than about you career woes, if I may: I think you have an absolutely fabulous way of writing and I quite enjoy when, in between the poems (which I also like, and envy, very much - I have zero talent for writing poetry) you interject a post of non-fiction prose.

You are an excellent writer; it gives off a certain vibe that is both comforting and warm, yet I know you are not opposed to calling some deserving schmuck a dooshbag or an asshole. I like that about you.

I absolutely LOVE, love, love. Wish I could go with you - road trips rule! And I gladly acclimate to Southern Time when I'm there, too, but then coming's like flipping the blinds open a bright sunny day when you have the Hades of All a word, ouch.

Good luck with your employer.

(Gods, do I ramble!)

boneman said...

There's no need to picnic! There's no need to picnic!"

"Picnic? Do you mean "panic"? "


"No. She said 'no need to panic' so just calm down...."

Yeah, with few exceptions, folks "block up" when they have serious things going on in their lives. That's no picnic, either, and can actually be detrimental to their physical selves. Some eat like there's no tomorrow, some fall into the tv set like they think they can live in there. Others focus that situation, whatever it is, focus it into their art.
If you want to communicate your feelings, then what you have to do is really hard. You have to be honest with yourself, and whikle that may sound simplistic, it ain't so much.
We are a perverted group, us artists. Perverted in the sense that we will spill the truth even if it sometimes makes us wretch.
Go look at Crashtest Comic's post. He's had that body on there for a while. (actually, in an effort to get him to post something different, I've been trying to write jokes about the dead guy. Sick, huh? Perverted? Yup. See?)
Oh, and before you just whisk all those words away, remember how easily I mentioned that you (yes) were also an artist? You put more than a few posts together about some guy who blew his brain out. You regularly coax us all to go help folks when they are down or at war. You put three beers in the freezer and the rest in the fridge becausew you know there's gonna be some drinkin' going on. Wait a minit, what does THAT have to do with anything?

Well, here's hoping I'm not the one who just reminded you that you put beers in the freezer....
"YIKES!" (hard, fast footsteps to the kitchen....)
...and I'm glad you've been re-assured of your positions.

And congratulations on the great news;a big "WOOHOO", too, to you!

boneman said...

ps, I'm trying out a new avatar, but, it appears to be too small for giggles....

LBJ said...

That is good news. . a bit of a reprieve. And don't worry about the prose. . it isn't always constructed in the form of a poem, but your prose is out there, every day. It's in your eyes. . it's in YOU.

Joan of Argghh! said...

You'll have to wear socks in Tennessee and I'll have to change your link name from Sandals to Timberland Boots!


Rick said...

Funny how 90% of the stuff we worry about never happens... and yet we spend 90% of our time worrying. Not that it applies to ME, mind you...

boneman said...

Could just 'BEAR'ly see the one before...
How about this one?

Jean said...

Erica - geez, I love you, girl!

Berry - perverted artist, eh? honest? yeah :-)
(I like the bear)

Lin - I hate to feel like I disappoint and whine. Thanks, dear.

Joan - heh... the Timberlands would go better with my 'bibs'...of which I already own several.

Rick - you're right, I've never noticed that about you ;-)

boneman said... know....
just wanna get "bear" and sniff fish....

no, he didn't say that.....

Actually, I realized that some bears swim in the ocean, and, well, that just ain't me.

More of a dog paddler m'self, but, there ain't no oceans in my future.

Now, golfing....YEAH

Anonymous said...

Thats good news Jean, a little breathing space from the panic. Take a few deep breaths a few sighs and relax a little. Now you will have the time to decide what you want to do and what direction your life is going in.I do hope that dream happens for you. Don't worry about your creative side for the moment, your beautiful talent for prose & poetry is still within and it will flow again. You have been put through the mill,emotions exposed, no wonder you were in panic mode: do these people ever think about the repercussions they cause? Take care and I will answer that email as soon as I can find those poems. Dianne (my blogger thingy isn't working again)

dianne said...

Just trying it out again to see if its working again, hope you don't mind.

kdzu said...

In and and out...just keep the lungs pumping. In with the good air....out with the bad.
Come on get your mind out of the ....
....well where ever it went.
Ha! Good news for a good person.

Jean said...

Berry, try the lion and horse for a while... if ya want.

Dianne - I think the bad info was given to keep us intimidated. Head games from control freaks.

Larry - I wasn't thinkin'... what were YOU thinkin'? ;-)

jck said...

So happy to see this good news. Well deserved, and now you can take a moment to relax all the muscles that you don't even know have been in knots!
Keeping my fingers crossed for your continued improved prospects, and looking forward to more writing.

boneman said...

As you wish....

Anonymous said...

Good news. In my thoughts and prayers as always.

Freddie said...


Anonymous said...

Yes... time to plan, perchance to dream. No panic. Or picnic... whatever. That is good news. And Erica said it best about your writing. With all of us it ebbs and flows, comes and goes. This too shall pass... You go, girl...

That 1 Guy said...

Removing panic is a huge help!

Got my fingers crossed for you, Jean!

Joe said...

Isn;t it funny that life always works out in the way Fate has designed?

Anyway, worring everyday about whether or not you will have a job tomorrow is no fun. I did that for nearly two years. Breath easy.

Anonymous said...

What Freddie said.

Anonymous said...

Yep, what Freddie and Mark said.

sparringK9 said...

good luck jean. im just a few miles down the road (in n. ga. if you need me)

boneman said...

now, this here's what I have to put up with when I drag that bear around with me....

Y'know, about them socks....
I LIKE socks in the winter time....

boneman said...

Hang in there, gal! Friday's comin'!

boneman said... a taste of them seeds, now, fer sure....


"Get down from there!"


boneman said... golly. I think I can hear the danged thing purring....

Bears. Fun critters, but, dang. They bite. It ain't like y'can actually go over there and....


"get DOWN from there!"

" I can't get down from here "

" Why not?"

y'get down from a duck!"

boneman said...

AHA! It's TIMED, yes? I can only make so many comments at your place within a certain amount of time. You've added that, yes?

And, how about a wave and a wink for prodding Spring into gear with?

Jean said...

You folks are beautiful. Really.
Thank you all!

Berry, there is no time-limit thingie.
(It's good to see you having so much fun.)

Deadman said...

I hate socks

You're a rabid anti-sockite...

Jean said...

Foaming at the mouth...heh.

Doom said...

Yes, it is nice to breath easier again. I for one am doing it with you, in several ways I think. Hey, prayers cannot be hurting. And they will continue. They will continue along with kind and warm thoughts.

Jean said...

Bless you, Doom.

k said...

What they ALL said.

That bit about the headgames? Shit. People who pull that crap oughta be shot.

So your company has been sold. Interesting. All the preps going on beforehand for that...knocking down payroll costs, which generally comprise the vast majority of any company's budget...Did they lay off people with more invested in retirement plans there? Or more expensive health insurance?

Nasty business, all that. But it's over. The sale is done. The new owners are here. No more big reason to pull head game crap.

Of course, perhaps they still will, just for fun. BUT!!! Now you know what's up. Hopefully, even through the changes that will come, understanding what's really happening will help to steady you. And all your co-workers, too.

That *new broom* period can be icky too, but hey. You now know you have a JOB that isn't going to suddenly disappear on you. Holy shit. In today's economy, woman, you got something seriously good goin' on. A decent job.

You know something else?

They kept you. You've been there long enough that you're probably a relatively *expensive* employee, payroll-wise. So for fixing the books to impress the potential buyers, months back, they should have been motivated to lay you off.

But they didn't.

That speaks very highly of your true value to that company.

Jean said...

Actually, k, I call them 'new owners' but they bought the place over two years ago. And, as far as them keeping me so far... we are a union shop and the lay-offs are done by seniority (last in, first out), so they don't get to pick and choose.

I am, however, still grateful to have a job... and it is a good one, especially for this part of Florida. But, I'm still looking at Tennessee. Hoping to drive up there at the end of the month :-)

k said...


Well, that's what I get for making all sorts of assumptions instead of simply ASKING you about the parts I didn't understand!

Okay. So, a union shop in Florida kind of threw me off. I thought of it - then discarded the notion. *Hah,* says I to my self. *Won't do it union style here in this Right to Work state. We're not in Chicago any more.*

hee hee!

But I certainly am glad things have calmed down some. And Tennessee should be interesting. I think we're all sitting on the edge of our seats about that one. Keeping my fingers crossed for you as you drive...

Good thing about blogging: no matter where in the world you go, we won't lose you.