Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hello, again...

Well, folks, you are dealing with one whacko broad raht chere.
Oh. Maybe you already figured that out.
I should give you more credit, huh? Sorry.

I'd like to say the crisis has passed, but as long as there is
life here, we can always find some crisis.
I think it is safe to say, however, that for now, it has abated.

Progress, tiny bits that it might be, is being made. Panic over.
Normal breathing resumed.

Besides, I seem to be addicted to this blogworld and the
writing that goes with it. Not a bad thing, that.
I just needed some time to prioritize and make a better
schedule for my life... in all areas.
If I'm not careful, I just might become somewhat efficient.
If you know me, that thought will make you giggle.

I have been writing during my absence. There are three posts
waiting in draft. The first two are poems. The first one might
give you a good look at my mood when I went AWOL from here.
I eagerly await your comments. Posting will be tomorrow.

During my lighter than normal blog browsing, I came across a
quote on Sgt. Hook's blog, posted by Drill Sgt. Bleu who
periodically adds his words of wisdom and ranting there:

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects
it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
William Arthur Ward

I like that... a lot. And, finding it today was perfect timing for me.

Much thanks to all of you who continued to check for life here
and offer words of encouragement in comments and e-mail.


  1. Well GOOD FOR YOU!!
    Sometimes its ok to take breather... even the most effcient people in the world take time to reflect, adjust, re-set their sights and plow forward. Sounds like you're refocused.
    Good Job!!!!

  2. Mick - thank you, dear man.

  3. Glad things are better and I'm happy to see you back. Can't wait to read your new stuff. :)

  4. Yay, welcome back! I hate it when life interferes with fun.

  5. We all go off the deep end on occasion. Not a big deal.

    Welcome back.

  6. Sometimes we all have to be a little wacko now and then. If we didn't we'd eventually explode or implode or something like that.

    welcome back

  7. Ya'll are just too good!... thanks.

  8. 'adjust your sails'

    I like that.
    Welcome back. Missed you.

  9. I'll take all the hugs from pretty young girls I can get.

  10. Larry - oh my... are ya gonna be disappointed when you find out that I'm older than you?...55...:)

  11. Oh, I'm SO glad! Welcome back.

  12. k - thanks so much! ...and then, had to deal with a computer virus... sheesh...:)
