Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The challenges continue...

Carol's biopsy came back malignant. Colon cancer.
She's now in the midst of more tests and doctor visits.
I expect surgery to happen in a few weeks.
In the meantime, chemo treatments for her breast cancer
are on hold to give her system a chance to build strength
before beginning this new fight.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

As I was saying...

 I will gladly wave good-bye to the year 2023. Did.

Actually, the past two years were overwhelmingly stressful.

Carol has been through many procedures and a few 911 events.
Still going through chemo...probably never-ending... but she
continues to fight. No thoughts, ever, of giving up.
Sometimes, I wonder where she gets her strength. I have no
doubt that it helps that her two sisters are with her every day.

Ann has been dealing with her own health concerns. Couple of
eye surgeries, maybe another coming up. Biopsy that, thankfully,
was negative but waiting on the results of another (thyroid).
Scheduled soon for an MRI that may result in attention.

Our youngest sibling, a special needs guy, had broken his collar
bone, then broke his hip that required surgery twice, months in
rehab. Had to move to a new home after spending 25+ years in
the same place. Stressful adjustment period that still isn't quite complete.

Me? I'm fine...except for dealing with my damned primary care
doctor who refuses to understand why a colonoscopy is not on the
top of my priorities list. She's a control freak fighting the wrong broad.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

In the right place at the right time...


photo by Alfred Stieglitz, 1930, Grand Central Terminal

Friday, January 05, 2024

Write your life...


Write your life...

Whether it be like this or in letters to yourself,
as in a journal, or a diary.
Write everything about you so that others
may know. How you lived.
What you thought. When you cried.
Loved and laughed. Did you dream?
It may be found some day, and those who
knew you. Might cry. Might laugh.
Might gasp, "That's why!"
"That's when!" "That's where!"
Then again, a stranger might find you
in your words. And know you better than
all those others. Take you home.
Live with you another life.
See in you another way. Love their life again.
Find the path. Forgive their pain.
See the stars.
You are a book. A poem. A song.
Write your life. 


(originally posted 7-3-2007)

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Just a quickie...

 Doing hospital duty with my sister. 3rd time (4th?) since October.
Will be back asap.