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August 9, 1997
A couple of the neighbors found his body sitting back
on the couch in the living room. He'd put a shotgun to
his forehead and somehow pulled the trigger.
...I kept hesitating to bring this up again. And, really,
I wouldn't have thought about it if I hadn't come across
his photo by accident. Seems that it's going to nag at me
until I just put it to bed one more time.
If anyone is interested in the ugly details, then look to
the right and click on the Blog Archives for 2007. Scroll all the
way down to May 29, 2007 "It's All About Choices - Epilogue".
This is him, sitting in Capt. Tony's Saloon in Key West:
They preach about
"forgive and forget".
I mostly have the "forget"
part down pat.
"Forgive" not so much.
I've been to Key West a gazillion times. One of the best
Jimmy Buffett concerts (out of half a dozen I attended)
was held outdoors on the local football field in 1987.
Too many fond memories to list will just make me cry
as I mourn the death of Jimmy Buffett at the age of 76.
He made a lot of music. More photos here.