one-legged posing
I can stay here all day long
watch out for the wave!
Friends came to visit.
Took pictures.
Saw all of myself for the first
time in a long time.
I cried.
I was really hoping you would read the poem
beneath this post. I know it's loooonnngg.
But it's also goooooddd. Very good.
I didn't write it so don't worry about being
a critic. No one's going to hurt my feelings.
Go ahead. Please. I bet you like it.
I hope you get old.
I hope time is heavy on your bones, draped over you like an embrace from God.
I hope the backs of your hands become deep maps—
Of all the places you have been.
Dark stains where your fingers dipped into clay and dirt and mud.
I hope you get old.
I hope time fills your heart with joy and triumph.
I hope you have enough obstacles to teach you character and empathy and enough challenges to bestow you with uniqueness.
I hope pain shows you how strong you are and the value of a true friend.
I hope you’ve been alone enough to know yourself.
I hope you find quiet more than you find chaos.
I hope you get old.
That time wraps around your legs like a desperate lover.
I hope you can look into the faces of people you have loved and cherished and that you leave behind echos of grief,
Because you were loved in turn.
I hope you give thanks for every waking moment,
For what you have and for what you have not.
I hope you get old.
I hope you make things that last.
I hope you’ve inspired people.
I hope you’ve helped someone.
I hope grace rests at your feet.
I hope.
You forgive everything,
You did.
[by Jann Arden]
Found at Flowerbed
If the batter hits a pop-up or a fly ball,
and makes it to first base before the
ball is caught, why isn't he safe?
Anyone? Bueler? Joe? MLB?
a new book.
I lived across town
from Bethune-Cookman
in Daytona.
Curious to read how
these two ladies helped
each other.