Monday, January 31, 2022

They're telling us...

to prepare for another blast of shit weather.
Monday and Tuesday will be warm enough to
melt some of what we have. Then Wednesday
and Thursday we get dumped on again with a
load of snow, rain and ice all at the same time.
Could last into Friday. The streets will suck.

So, Monday and Tuesday will be time to stock
up on food and lots of bags of salt and to shovel
as much of the remaining snow from driveways
and sidewalks that hasn't yet melted from two
weeks ago.

I made a giant cauldron of chili today. Probably
enough to last through Wednesday or Thursday.
We'll be fine with everything else we have on hand.
It's just getting really, really tiresome.

I know, my whining is just as tiresome. Too bad.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

ok, I'm done with my hissy-fit...

 for now.

All sunshine today, no snow.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

It's never going to stop...


     Another six inches yesterday. Almost that much today.

What makes it worse...THERE'S NO ONE TO BLAME!

This is not fun. I'm too old to shovel this much snow every day.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Old Man Winter hit us hard...


It looked like this Monday morning.
Ann's job texted Sunday night to not come in if the
roads were bad in the morning. They were.
It took most of the day before our street was passable.
Ann and I went outside several times to work at
clearing the driveway and around our cars.
The snow was above our knees. The wind was brutal.
I guess it was payback for the mild weather up to this point.
I'll try to finish it up in the morning so we can get
the trash cans down to the street.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

I really miss bench seats in cars...

 2021 ended with a bang for us, but not with fireworks.

Carol woke up with cold-like symptoms on Dec. 30. I
called the cancer center because she was scheduled for
chemo at noon. They cancelled the appointment.

I fed her OTC cold meds but Friday she was worse,
so I decided we should take her to an urgent care
facility. We drove to three but two were closed and the
third refused to see her because they "were getting ready to close".

We got to the ER at 4 pm. It was 9 pm before they told us
the Covid test results came back positive. They finally
signed her out at 11:30 pm.

They didn't admit her (thank goodness) because her vitals
were good and she had been fully vaxxed including boostered.
I truly believe she would have been sicker without the vaccines.

As it was, I kept her on Mucinex and Tylenol and hooked up
to her oxygen concentrater. She usually only uses the oxygen
when she goes to bed.

It took three days before she was noticeably better and I was
able to get some sleep.

Her oncologist rescheduled her next chemo treatment to Jan. 28.

She seems very much back to normal now but I want to see if
I can get her scheduled for a Covid test in case she needs the
proof for the cancer center, even though no one has said to do it.
She isolated for a week so maybe that's enough.

Weird thing was, a couple days before all this happened, I was
thinking to myself that if we could make it to February
without a trip to the hospital that would make it three years
since the last time. Silly me jinxed it.

Monday, January 10, 2022