Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Yes, I know Christmas is over...

 I just really like those photos in the last post.

My sister Ann's birthday is today so we're doing
a mellow celebration after she gets off work.
Steak and shrimp dinner and possibly a quick
trip to BAM...because she has gift cards. And
maybe lemon-filled donuts for desert.

Then New Year's Eve will be the traditional
dinner of pork and sauerkraut.
I miss Mom and Dad more at this time of the
year than any other time. They've both been gone
for more than thirty years but they are still missed.
They'd be in their 90's now.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Snow's a'comin'...

Looks like we'll be having a white Christmas and then some.
I wish you all a safe, warm and loving Holiday.                                                                               


Wish I could say I embroidered this tree but, nope, 'fraid not.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Not my usual reading...


Charlie Mackesy 











The book came out last year.
I saw it but, I guess I didn't need it then.
I need it now.

Originally written for children, it's getting
much deserved attention from adults.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

A new month already...

 and we're starting it off with snow, snow
and more snow. Two days of bluster then
the sun comes out (tomorrow?), everything
will start melting and mellow out for the
rest of the week.

The experts are saying we should have a
mild winter comparable to last year. But
the only thing we little people can do is
wait and see.






I heard there are 300 snowplows in service in N.E. Ohio.