Between 10 pm last night and noon today, we were dumped on.
About six inches of heavy, wet snow that stuck to everything.
Now, I'm watching it melt. Weird winter this year.
They say we'll get more snow tonight and tomorrow morning, then
Friday and the weekend will hit 50 degrees and bring rain.
Might be some flooding. More weird.
Carol is holding her own.
Her chemo was Thursday. This time only took four hours.
The first one was eight hours. They do the first of the new
treatments slower to make sure there is no bad reaction.
I can tell this new mix is harder on her than the last.
She's been tired every day since and her skin is pale and there
are dark circles under her eyes. I'm hoping her immune system
builds up so she can get back to her old self soon.
And, she's losing her hair again.
That doesn't seem to bother her much. She says she'll just have
to get a couple of wigs like she did before.
At least she hasn't been nauseous and she's not in pain.
This Thursday is her birthday. She said she wants a new toaster
and a steak dinner. I think Ann and I can handle that.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Friday, February 05, 2016
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Better news... UPDATE
Her numbers are better.
White cells went from .08 to 3.3... hemoglobin from 7.0 to 8.3
after 2 units of blood Saturday... platelets from 108,000
to 119,000. This is with three antibiotics every six hours.
Blood cultures came back showing no infection, which is
great news. Her low numbers were strictly because of the
new chemo recipe knocking the hell out of her immune system.
That makes her highly susceptible to infection.
We thought she was going to come home today but there
was a glitch. Her temp jumped to 100.2 last night. Doesn't
sound like much to us, but for her that shows her immune
system isn't yet stable or strong enough. Her body needs
to hold normal temp for at least 24 hours before they'll let
her come home.
Still, it's progress. We'll take it.
UPDATE: Carol came home Wednesday. Back to normal. (normal-ish).
Next chemo is Feb. 11... fingers crossed no complications.
White cells went from .08 to 3.3... hemoglobin from 7.0 to 8.3
after 2 units of blood Saturday... platelets from 108,000
to 119,000. This is with three antibiotics every six hours.
Blood cultures came back showing no infection, which is
great news. Her low numbers were strictly because of the
new chemo recipe knocking the hell out of her immune system.
That makes her highly susceptible to infection.
We thought she was going to come home today but there
was a glitch. Her temp jumped to 100.2 last night. Doesn't
sound like much to us, but for her that shows her immune
system isn't yet stable or strong enough. Her body needs
to hold normal temp for at least 24 hours before they'll let
her come home.
Still, it's progress. We'll take it.
UPDATE: Carol came home Wednesday. Back to normal. (normal-ish).
Next chemo is Feb. 11... fingers crossed no complications.