Carol is in the hospital again.
White cell count is almost zero.
They're saying the new chemo is probably the cause,
so they'll adjust the dosage for the next time.
In the meantime, they've given her two broad-
spectrum antibiotics to get a handle on the infection
until the infectious disease guy gets a read on the
blood cultures and decides if she needs a more
specific antibiotic.
I am a slow learner.
I wanted to have complete faith in the medical people.
Took me almost four years to realize that so much of
what they do is a crap shoot, a flip of the coin, even a
damned guessing game.
What they have to figure out now is how much to cut back
on one of the chemo drugs so that it doesn't knock out
her immune system again, yet still be strong enough to stop the
spread of the cancer. And, they'll be adding Neulasta(?) to
her regimen which is supposed to boost the immune system.
They keep saying if this cocktail doesn't work, there are
plenty more available to try. Try. We'll see. Try again.
She's been really tough through all this, so far.
I can see the worry in her face now.
Too many speed bumps lately. Too close together.
Humbly requesting more of your generous good thoughts,
good prayers, whatever you can spare.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Plan B...
or are we up to C or D?
First dose of her new chemo cocktail was last Thursday.
So far, no more side effects than the last.
We'll have to wait, I guess, to see if this one stops the spread
of the cancer. And for how long.
She's still gathering energy. Being mostly inactive for the past
four months, it isn't surprising that she is nowhere near her
old level of energy. I'm glad she's finally 99% out of pain.
She's still on oxygen, though. That bothers me a bit.
I apologize for not writing much lately.
Could be because I'm tired and I bore myself.
Always thought it very rude to bore my friends.
I need to work harder at finding the spark that used to
inspire ideas and even bring a chuckle now and then.
Would be nice to laugh more.
Gonna stop before the whining causes nausea.
First dose of her new chemo cocktail was last Thursday.
So far, no more side effects than the last.
We'll have to wait, I guess, to see if this one stops the spread
of the cancer. And for how long.
She's still gathering energy. Being mostly inactive for the past
four months, it isn't surprising that she is nowhere near her
old level of energy. I'm glad she's finally 99% out of pain.
She's still on oxygen, though. That bothers me a bit.
I apologize for not writing much lately.
Could be because I'm tired and I bore myself.
Always thought it very rude to bore my friends.
I need to work harder at finding the spark that used to
inspire ideas and even bring a chuckle now and then.
Would be nice to laugh more.
Gonna stop before the whining causes nausea.
Saturday, January 02, 2016
Where's the beach?...
Brother Tom and his family went to Orlando for Christmas
and New Year's and all I got were these drool-worthy photos.
They say they had a terrific time.
I am such a weirdo... the huge crowds would have been more
than I could stand. I long for peace and quiet and isolation.
And not one trip to the beach? Really? tsk tsk.