The antibiotics appear to be working. She finishes the last dose December 27 and a nurse will come out to remove the PICC line December 28. She is almost pain free. Energy level is up. Blood work is acceptable. Oxygen level is better. That's the good news.
The bad news is, her cancer is active again. They put chemo on hold because of the spine inflammation. Didn't want to jeopardize her immune system with chemo until the infection was under control. But now her oncologist is very concerned, so she scheduled a chemo treatment for next Tuesday instead of waiting for the last dose of antibiotic. Doc doesn't know if the cancer activity is because she hasn't had chemo in six weeks or if this chemo drug is losing its effectiveness. She said that if it's not going to work any more, there are still lots of other treatments they can go to.
The cancer shows as a bad "rash" on her chest. Carol noticed it "a while ago" but didn't say anything. Ignoring the obvious is what put her in a dangerous situation in the first place. Now, again.
I really don't know if my sister truly doesn't understand how serious... or if she's in full-blown denial because she might be so terrified of the reality that she can't/won't consider the consequences.
It's very much like living with a four year old at times.