Monday, September 22, 2014

A very short poem...

What wish a dream.
What fear seen.
Alone by day.
Visited by night.
Pain relived amended.
Life seen pretended.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Such weirdness of dreams...

If they were one time only, it might not bother me.

I keep dreaming that I took my parents to a MLB game.
They both look healthy and happy and the same age they
were when they died...Dad 69, Mom 63. Both have been gone
almost twenty-five years.
The game is in Cleveland, beautiful, sunny day.
It's all my treat because I did very little of that for them.
Asking them what they want from the concession stand, Dad
just says "aww, I don't need anything." Mom doesn't know
what's on the menu, so I take her with me and we bring back
hot dogs and sodas for all three of us. End of dream.

The next repeater is my two sisters and I are in the back seat
of a 1950s vintage car being driven by Dad. It's dark outside.
I feel like I'm about twelve years old in the dream, which would
make Carol eight years old and Ann six years old.
We are approaching a RRX-ing and see the warning lights begin
to flash and Dad is not slowing down. We are screaming.
End of dream.

We were in a bad accident in 1961 but Mom was driving.
Dad was always the one who scared us with his driving.
(Like missing an exit on an interstate, pulling into the
emergency lane and backing up to the exit. Seriously.)

Anyone out there with dream interpretation skills?
Any shrinks in the audience?


Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Scrambled eggs...

Here's a question: Why doesn't the Big Dipper move
across the sky like other stars and the moon?
They arc across the sky from east to west but the B.D.
shows up in nearly the same spot every night and
varies little. Stop laughing. What am I missing?

One of the local weather peeps said that Ohio averages
only 10 days a year with temperatures at 90 degrees
or higher. Doesn't seem right but, I'm having trouble
remembering more than a day or two so far this year.
Let's see... in Florida we were lucky to make it out of
April without at least a few days at 90 or more and then
had to wait for October to start breathing easier again.
10 days/6 months...10 days/6months...hmmmm.

Carol is still doing well.
Ann is healed and walking on her own.

The new movies this summer really sucked. 

I discovered that books written by Wally Lamb are outstanding.

I started Christmas shopping in late July. Bits and pieces.
Somehow, I also ended up with new shoes, blouses and a 
comforter for me. I need to make a list next time... 
for everybody else.

I saw a cloud that looked like Mickey Mouse's head.

Monday, September 01, 2014

She isn't fooling anyone...

Misty moon hiding
behind a thin veil of clouds
thinks she can't be seen.