Yesterday was a very bad day for my other sister, Ann.
She fell and severely broke her left leg. Maybe needing surgery.
She also sprained her right ankle and broke a small bone
in her right foot. They put a boot on the right foot and a heavy
cast on the left leg in the ER and referred her to an orthopedic
We got a walker for her but still had to call 911 and ask them to
carry her into the house. (STEPS. I hate steps.)
Now she's trying to find a medical transport service to take her
to her appointment with an orthopedic surgeon next week.
So far, she hasn't found a service that transports from residences,
only dealing with hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
We've asked her HR Department for help in the search.
We might have to get a wheel chair because a couple of the
transport services said they can take her but do not provide
the wheel chair.
Didn't realize how much of a blessing it is to be ambulatory.
Carol is feeling well, but...her platelets got up to 89,000 about
two weeks ago but when they checked before her chemo on
Tuesday, they had fallen to 56,000... lowest so far.
She also has cellulitis in her left arm. Same area that had a
port and got infected about a year (?) ago. Antibiotics for
that seems to be clearing it up nicely. They said the infection...
or the antibiotics... might be the cause of the fall in her platelet
count. Not sure, of course.
Still, they ok'd her for the chemo, so that is still on track.
Carol has actually been a big help with Ann.
I think she would've made a better nurse than I thought I would
be, oh so many years ago.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Books keep me sane... usually...
I'm tired of only posting about cancer (she's doing well,
platelets are up, chemo continues on schedule) and since
the creative corner of my brain has shriveled to near
non-existence, I thought I'd post a list of the books I've
read since leaving Florida. I'm sure there are more than
what's listed here but what-the-hell. I'm not doing this for
a grade, just filling up space with something different.
Here goes:
Fall of Giants- Ken Follett.
Winter of the World- Ken Follett.
Winter's Tale- Mark Helprin (yuck. Gave up after 100 pages).
I'm Over All That- Shirley MacLaine.
Cronkite- Douglas Brinkley (slow. Not done).
Washington, A Life- Ron Chernow (slow. Not done).
Heaven Is for Real- Todd Burpo (so-so).
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, A Gift for Life- Dorothy Herrmann.
Dear Life- Alice Munro, short stories (yawn).
Lone Survivor- Marcus Luttrell (better than the movie).
A Natural Woman- Carole King (autobio).
Stan Musial- George Vecsey.
My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business- Dick Van Dyke.
Streets of Laredo- Larry McMurtry.
Steve McQueen- Marc Eliot.
Steve Jobs- Walter Isaacson.
Eudora Welty- Suzanne Marrs.
the Time Keeper- Mitch Albom.
First Phone Call From Heaven- Mitch Albom (boring).
Philomena- Martin Sixsmith.
The Book Thief- Markus Zusak.
Flyboys- James Bradley.
On Wings of Eagles- Ken Follett.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society- by
Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.
Honor in the Dust, Theo. Roosevelt, War in the Philippines- by
Gregg Jones.
The Goldfinch- Donna Tartt.
The Fault In Our Stars- John Green.
Zealot, the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth- by
Reza Aslan (just started. so far, so good).
I know. You're really really glad you stopped by.
platelets are up, chemo continues on schedule) and since
the creative corner of my brain has shriveled to near
non-existence, I thought I'd post a list of the books I've
read since leaving Florida. I'm sure there are more than
what's listed here but what-the-hell. I'm not doing this for
a grade, just filling up space with something different.
Here goes:
Fall of Giants- Ken Follett.
Winter of the World- Ken Follett.
Winter's Tale- Mark Helprin (yuck. Gave up after 100 pages).
I'm Over All That- Shirley MacLaine.
Cronkite- Douglas Brinkley (slow. Not done).
Washington, A Life- Ron Chernow (slow. Not done).
Heaven Is for Real- Todd Burpo (so-so).
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, A Gift for Life- Dorothy Herrmann.
Dear Life- Alice Munro, short stories (yawn).
Lone Survivor- Marcus Luttrell (better than the movie).
A Natural Woman- Carole King (autobio).
Stan Musial- George Vecsey.
My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business- Dick Van Dyke.
Streets of Laredo- Larry McMurtry.
Steve McQueen- Marc Eliot.
Steve Jobs- Walter Isaacson.
Eudora Welty- Suzanne Marrs.
the Time Keeper- Mitch Albom.
First Phone Call From Heaven- Mitch Albom (boring).
Philomena- Martin Sixsmith.
The Book Thief- Markus Zusak.
Flyboys- James Bradley.
On Wings of Eagles- Ken Follett.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society- by
Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.
Honor in the Dust, Theo. Roosevelt, War in the Philippines- by
Gregg Jones.
The Goldfinch- Donna Tartt.
The Fault In Our Stars- John Green.
Zealot, the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth- by
Reza Aslan (just started. so far, so good).
I know. You're really really glad you stopped by.