Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

You remind me of someone else...

Sometimes, I am asked "Where do your poems come from?
How do you do that?"
It can be difficult to explain and often I simply shrug
my shoulders and reply "I dunno. Just happens."

The process can be different each time but, one constant
is that I keep a notebook and pen with me, always.
I never know when the urge to write will appear. Often,
it may only be a word or phrase that catches my attention.
I never know when they might come together in one piece.

It isn't uncommon for something noted days or even
months ago turns out to be a needed title, last line or the
inspiration seed that grows into a complete idea.

For example, the poem I'm posting here...
the title was written as two lines, out of the blue, several
days ago. Last night I was flipping through my notebook,
saw those lines, and started thinking thoughts with words
in them. They were insistent, demanding to be written.
This is what the muse was dictating :

You remind me of someone else...

too much time feeling
bound to do, be, say
aroused rebellion
resulting in not much good
for another batch
of too much time.
lost then found
now is when
not then.
savor self
and spend self
being true
to you.
love always honest
and much

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Holiday Haiku...

The topic for this week's
Haiku Challenge at Sparrow's:


Deadline to submit your entry is extended to Thursday 10 pm.
Voting will be Friday.

if you can't be at
my table, you will still have
a place in my heart.

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend...

Monday, November 23, 2009

easy on the eyes...

daytime surface tension
broken becomes night
bouying what is
submerged in day.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Go ahead. Guess.
Keep guessing. You're going to be thrilled. As am I, myself.

Froth. Froth is back!
All is well again in this funny place called the universe.

What? Go click and welcome.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

UPDATE: Haiku Challenge at AllAtwitter...


UPDATE: Please take the time to VOTE before 11 pm Thursday.

Sparrow's topic for the Haiku Challenge this week is:

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz SLEEP zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Submit your entries before night-night time 10 pm Wednesday.

is a hideaway
from another day of why.
interrupted life.

tangled sheets lover
meets. In dreams alone for now.
soon arms wrapped instead.

Bed me gently on
your pillowchest. Heartbeat song
repeats lullaby.

rest well in slumber
tiny babe. What dreams do you
abide? teddy bears?

satin sheets impress
me not the least when empty.
dreaming of your warmth.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Writing contest benefits Project Valor-IT...

700 words or less in an essay, story or poem.
Entry deadline is December 1.
Full details at Uniform Encounters.

Valor-IT is a project of Soldiers Angels.

The writing contest is being organized by
journalist/author Susan Katz Keating, who
also happens to be a major mil-blogger.

Again, deadline for contest entries at Uniform Encounters
is December 1... a mere two weeks from today.

Friday, November 13, 2009

listen to Mama Jean...

and get your adorable selves over to Miss Doxie.
She is a young Atlanta lawyer lady with a talent
for writing laugh-out-loud reports of her life.

Wait. Go pee first. Unless you don't mind sitting
in wet pants or you're already sitting on a bedpan.
And, don't forget to wash your hands! You don't
want to touch your keyboard with those hands if
you didn't wash. Plus, you will be laughing and
putting your hands on your face and... ew.

So, go pee. Wash your hands. Grab a beverage after
all that because it is a long story. Well worth your time.

Then, come back here and go read 'Great Men You Don't Know'.
That one is written by a lady who calls herself The Anchoress.
Joanie at Primordial Slack linked to the story. (Thanks, Joan.)

This story made me cry. In a good way.
This country is blessed with thousands and thousands of
generous, giving, talented, quiet citizens who do wonderful
things for people every day and do not expect nor want
payment or attention.

Good Americans. Good people. Volunteers.
We still have many good reasons to be very proud
of the people who make up the majority of this country.
The American Spirit lives in them.
As it should in all of us and, I know it does in all of you.

Let both of these stories linked here lift your heart.

But, first, go pee. And wash your hands!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reminders and FYIs...

A while back, Sparrow kindly let us know that Kohl's
will ship free to any APO/FPO address.

There is another place that will ship select items for
free to military bases... Hickory Farms.

Just a thought, since the holidays are rapidly approaching
and many of you will be sending packages to friends
and loved ones who are deployed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Haiku salute to our veterans...

UPDATE: Cast your vote before 11 pm Thursday.

The topic for the Haiku Challenge at Sparrow's is:

*********** HONORING OUR MILITARY ***********

Remember, the prize is a deluxe care package from
AnySoldier and goes to one of our own serving in harm's way.

The deadline for all submissions is 10 pm Wednesday.

photo snatched from All Atwitter.

Monday, November 09, 2009

too soon for the moon...

Wandered the beach very late afternoon,
wanting to see the moon rise.
While waiting for that, studied the rest
and composed and poeticized.

Wind frothed the breakers, square-danced
with the gulls. Candy clouds punctuated
the sky. Not a glimpse of a glimmer of
lunar peculiar jiggled the night swath
descending. A shrug and a slump then
turned course westward, resigned to a
glitterless eve.

Moon face smiled, "You could have seen
the moon but you gave up too soon. I'll be
back in December but will you remember?"

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Code blue (wake me when it's over)...

for a long time
I stopped.
flat disappeared.
and when you
are not
there is nowhere
to go.
so you stay
where you're not
and never wake up.
'til a day comes
that jars you
and the wounds
start to bleed.
then you get up
and walk
through the door
into daylight
and you see that
the road to salvation
is waiting
right where it's ever been the whole time
that you thought
you were not.

blue skies
smilin' at me
nothin' but
blue skies
do I see.

if I were
any happier
I'd have to
wear a bib.

Friday, November 06, 2009

still bloomin' in the South...

Even though we don't get a riot of leaf color
in the Fall, it isn't a bad deal that we have
flowers and sunshine nine months out of twelve.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

VOTING UPDATE: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly haiku...

UPDATE: VOTE for the best before 11 pm Thursday!

So much can be said about this week's topic for
Sparrow's Haiku Challenge:

______________ POLITICS _____________

Put forth your own pith no later than 10 pm Wednesday.

blah. blah. blah. Really?
You don't say. blah. blah. blah. blah.
blah. oops, sorry. blah.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Say please...

We, you and I,
along with them,
will never, possibly sometime,
cautiously once in a while
SCREAM hesitatingly while
requesting not quite boldly
but softer than a whisper...
love me, dammit.