Saturday, May 31, 2008

Make believe...

Let's pretend
we're an old
married couple,
Still in love and
still liking each other.
We know the
sweet spots
and the soft spots.
We can still find
the hot spots.
I'll cook your
favorite dinner.
We'll watch a
favorite movie.
...what do you mean,
it's getting late?
When did you join
a bowling league?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Remember Haiku...

The topic for Sparrow's Wednesday Haiku Contest:


Three lines of five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables.

Reflect, then write. You have until midnight tonight.

UPDATE: You know the drill, right?
You have until Friday morning to vote for your favorite, yo!

FRIDAY UPDATE: hey, homies...I won! yo yo.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brain-wash, rinse & spit...

Don't know if this is a poem or just
my thoughts running away with my brain.
(or my brain running away with my thoughts? good grief.)
the wall is thick blocks
I'd prefer rocks, but I can't seem to change it.
protecting you from me
is best because it seems there is no good
purpose to knowing me.
it would confuse you and hurt you and
I've done too much of that already, so save yourself
the disappointment and
me the pain.
things won't change, will always be the same.
I have questions but don't
really want the answers.
Whether you know it or not,
neither do you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More birthday wishes...

Another sweetheart of the 'sphere is having a birthday.
Please, go visit Mick and wish him a good one.

When you get back, go to Sparrow's place and add your
haiku for this week's contest.
This week's topic is: WRITING.

I submitted two:

words unblock my heart.
out flow love and fear and pain.
safe, my face unseen.

can you read my tears?
pen to paper hesitate
not. words jump to life.

Friday, May 16, 2008

for a while, just pretend...

I'm not here.

What I am tempted to write, you would not
want to read.

One of those moods, ya know?

Ignore me and cruise through my blog roll.
Oh, and... today is Berry's Birthday.
Go over there and wish him well and ask him
to post more of his paintings, please.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Haiku and Update...

You guys do realize that I can only blog from
home, right? No net access from workee.

Your phone calls, emails and comments voicing
your concern and offers of help have touched
me deeply. Thank you all, so much.

We seem to be in the clear here for now.
Still smoldering some but, things are under control.

Now for more fun stuff...
It's Wednesday and Sparrow has chosen the topic for
her Weekly Haiku Contest: HEROES.

You only have until midnight tonight to submit your entry.
Get to it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A little preoccupied...

Right now I'm paying more attention to
the local fire updates than blogging.

'scuse if I am not around as much for a while.

One of the big ones is only a few miles west of me.
Keep some fingers crossed, ok?

Since it has been many weeks since we've had any
lightning storms, the officials are on the look-out
for arsonists.
Let's hope this is not going to be a repeat of the summer
of 1998 when the whole state was on fire. That time, it
got within three blocks of my house.

I'd rather prepare for a hurricane.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bad blind date...

one is lonely,
the other, not.
a crowd is

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

You got nooooooo idea...


Three dumpsters later
I can almost see the floor.
This has got to stop!

Click on the clutter link up there ^ and add
your mess to Sparrow's Haiku Contest.

Deadline is midnight tonight.

UPDATE: it is now Thursday. You have until Friday
morning to vote for your favorite haiku.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


no one's looking,
dreams are
the back of my brain like
that have no
I see
Do they see

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Choices (haiku)...

I couldn't decide.
I waited too long for you
to make up my mind.