Friday, February 29, 2008

beer : thirty...

Three in the freezer.
Fifteen in the fridge.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Haiku Heaven...

You have until midnight to submit your haiku entry
at Sparrow's blog.

The topic this week is HEAVEN.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Fortune cookies...

Weekend before last, I decided to pick up some Chinese
food for dinner.
The owner likes me. She always throws something extra
in the take-out bag. This time it was a free bottle of water
and extra fortune cookies. Not being a big fan of fortune cookies,
I didn't open them right away. When I finally got around to
feeding them to Sparky and reading the fortunes, this is what
I found:

*Never bring unhappy feelings into your home.

*Your happiness is before you, not behind you. Cherish it.

*Keep in mind your most cherished dreams of the future.

*Be prepared for a sudden, needed and happy change in plans.

Just wanted to share this with all of you.
I thought it was pretty cool.

(no response yet from sending the resume.)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

no news...

Sorry to keep you guys hanging...

Resume' is being updated.

Work here is getting worse.
They spent most of this week sending more of
our jobs to their facility in Singapore.
I predict another lay-off in the next couple of weeks.
Nothing official, just my guess.
I'm ok with it. I can handle it.

There may not be a lot here for a while, but I'll
let you know what's going on as it happens, if anything.

Fingers crossed.

Thank you all for being so wonderfully supportive.

UPDATE: emailed the resume at 11:00 pm tonight.

Thank you, Mick.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Job browsing update...


Got a wonderful email reply to my inquiry.
They have positions open.
They said they are anxious to learn more about
me and my work experience and... they asked for
my resume' !
Also included several informative links about the
community and surrounding area.


update: here's a link to Cookeville, TN.

Monday, February 18, 2008

My dear friend, Boneman...

Berry is a wonderful painter.
He has, actually, many creative sides to him.
He loves to make videos, complete with music
and other sound effects.
Berry posted a few videos on his blog today;
one with food and one of some of his paintings.

The one that made me laugh, though, is the one
with a target in it. My first (and only) attempt
at shooting. Go take a look.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Step 1...

...make an appointment to get my car checked and
take care of anything that needs fixin'.

It's going to need to be road worthy for at least one
or two trips in the near future.

Near future... has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

UPDATE: Just sent an email inquiry to a company
in Tennessee. They do the exact same kind of work
I've been doing for 12+ years.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I suck...

This shall be known as my brain-vacant phase.

Not even enough gumption to let you know that I
have had nothing to offer. I am a shit.

Every time, lately, I've tried to create, compose, or
flesh out what is already in process, my brain rewards
me with the feeling you get when you hear fingernails
scraping across a blackboard.

Do they even make blackboards anymore??
Does anyone use blackboards anymore??
How many of my faithful readers have no idea of what I speak?
Terrific. I just made myself feel old(er).

I am facing the necessity of some serious life changes.
I am trying to take on the positive attitude that these changes
could be/should be the beginning of a good/better time in my life.
The process required to make this happen scares me.
Risk *shudder* Gamble *shudder*.
How does one go about embracing the unknown at my age?
I hate it. But I want it.

Frozen in fear does me absofuckinglutely no, I repeat, NO good.
I need to make that leap of faith. I know it.

Deep breath...

Friday, February 08, 2008

Tipping point...

I walk the
edge, and wonder
what would make
me fall.
Peer into the
darkness, and ask
what pulls me

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Float a haiku...

Sparrow's haiku contest has begun.

This week's topic is WATER.

You have until midnight tonight to
submit your three-line entry. Go!

UPDATE: I left three entries this week.

People through your life
ebb and flow, in and out, like
the tide moves on shore.

My boobs are my own
mae west, keeping me afloat
in the hotel pool.

much to my chagrin
the icemaker is broken.
my thirst goes unquenched.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lay-off #2...

Lost five more production workers this morning.
That leaves six people below me.

So, for now... still here, still breathin'.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sadly mistaken...

and I said
I would stay.
and I said
I would wait.
and I said
I would love forever.
that may have been
what did me in.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Mark, from 'Knocking On the Golden Door', has
graced me with an award.

He says I am an EXCELLENT poet.
I respected his opinion even before now. Really.

Visit his blog and see with what kind of EXCELLENT
company he has included me in to by over there. yah.

He's a California person. He might even show you photos
of some of his favorite things.... tattooed ass-cracks.

thank you, Mark.