Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Progressive deterioration of adult conversational vocabulary...

Sparky, stop!
No jumping!
Put that down!

Get the ball.
Good boyyyyyyyy...

repeat ad infinitum...

Haiku time...

The topic for today is Friends.

Leave your poem at Sparrow's place before
midnight tonight. Do it, do it, do it!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tell me who...

Who's there?
Me who?

[if someone asked you who you are, what would you say?]

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Spam or Lurker?...

I check my sitemeter every day.
For a couple of weeks I've noticed a new visitor.
They seem to be going through all my archives.
If they like my work that much, I am flattered.

However, I went through some of my older posts
and noticed (and deleted) some spam-ish comments.
The times posted with those comments don't really
jive with the new, frequent visitor. Me confused.

The info from my sitemeter:
above dot net
IP address 209.249.86 (Kavam)
San Jose, California
Browser Firefox

If the visitor from California is a real person...
let me know in comments or email, ok?

If it is a spambot... bugger off!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Dumpster #2...

NO ONE should have this much crap!

Did I tell you I had to get a second dumpster?
It is full.
Well, I'm going to cram a little more in it, but
I will have it taken away sometime in the coming week.

A lot of what is in this dumpster is from the
garage. I will spare you the ugly details.
Or not.

I had to take a break from the purging because
I started to feel surprisingly emotional when I looked
at some of the things I am throwing away.

There is yard and garden stuff like seriously out of date
flower seed packets, open bags of plant fertilizer, charcoal
for the grill, cheap (rusted) plant stands.
Not to mention rusty cans of paint, nuts, bolts, screws...
yard and house project items.

Not to mention boxes of mildewy books, fabrics and patterns
for quilts and teddy bears.

Eh... too much junk to list.

But, as these things made their way to the dumpster, never
to be seen again, I wondered about what I am doing.
It felt like I was throwing away dreams. Giving up.

Should I think of it that way?
Or, am I clearing a path for new dreams?

Maybe I'm just tired.
Maybe just a little discouraged from looking up....
there's still more crap in the rafters. Dammit!

I really, really do not want a third dumpster

Sunday, October 21, 2007


little girl in a
grown-up dress.
little girl, you
don't see yourself.
little girl with your
hair un-done.
momma cries 'cause
she sees you,
sees the way
you want to be.
and she sees what
you don't want,
momma's little girl.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

a broken heart...

remembers the dream,
and breaks again.
remembers again.
breaks again.
and again.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


...and there was nothing in the heart but pain.
For, sorrow was pain. Fear was pain.
And love became pain.
The heart was shrivelled.
The scars were memories.
It was no way to live, so it died.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Not good-bye...

If I should die
before you wake,
grieve not for could
or would.
Rejoice, instead, for had
and did
and heard, and saw
and touched.
Be glad for was,
not sad for never.
Whatever was
cannot be gone.
I'm with you now...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Do the Haiku...

Sparrow is waiting for your wit and brilliance.
Leave your three-line poem here.
1) 5 syllables.
2) 7 syllables.
3) 5 syllables.

This weeks' subject is: dreams.

Hurry. Deadline is midnight tonight.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Next time...

Missed the full moon
Forgot to look up
Doesn't matter, does it?
It will be there
...what if I am


remember me.
remember when.
crashing waves.
distant thunder.
warm bed.
gentle touch.
making love.