Once upon a time, way down south, in the Sunshine State... there was a woman
who talked to herself... a lot. And, daydreamed... a lot. And was depressed... a lot.
One day, while this woman was at work, a very techno-savvy friend told her about this fascinating new medium that was becoming very popular for expressing individual opinions, creative expression and communicating with bazillions of people all over the world. It was called the inter net. And, in that inter net, was an even newer world called the blogosphere. This woman's friend told her to go to the blogosphere and read. Her friend told her this because she knew the woman loved to read, loved to write and was depressed.
The friend said, "Do this. I think you will like it."
The woman went to visit blogland. She read many blogs. Soon, she wanted a blog of her own. She read the directions. She followed the directions. Soon she was asked, in the directions, to give a name for her blog address. The woman pondered.
"Eureka!" she exclaimed. "I will use the same name as my screen name. It will be easy for me to remember because it has a special meaning for me."
And, then the woman pondered something else. She pondered how so many men could have their own blogs. Having a blog of one's own required following directions. Men do not follow directions. The woman started to get a headache and stopped pondering what could not be answered.
Instead, the woman reflected on Beau Voir and BeauVoirGlass.
Beau Voir is French for "beautiful view" or "beautiful to see". It was the name given to the home of the Confederate President, Jefferson Davis. This magnificent home sits facing the Gulf of Mexico, in Mississippi. Indeed, it has a "beautiful view" and the home itself is "beautiful to see".
The woman continued to ponder. And smile. She remembered, from several years ago, another fascinating medium... television. She remembered seeing an artist making beautiful designs on glass. The designs were made by etching. Etching is done by using a strong air compressor to force a gritty substance, like sand, through an air brush gun. The sand "etches" the glass, leaving a cloudy surface on... or around... the design the artist puts on the glass. It makes the glass very beautiful.
While watching this glass artist, the woman suddenly said, "Eureka!" (The woman likes that word.) "I want to learn to etch glass. I have many ideas. I will start by etching a design on this old jalousie window, right here in my living room."
But, alas, the woman had no air compressor. No air brush gun. And, worst of all, because she was poor at this time, she had no money to buy these things.
The woman decided to find an artist to help her. She looked in the telephone book. She found a name and picked up her telephone... yet another wonderful piece of technology! She called the artist and related her exciting idea... and her sad plight... to him. The artist pondered only a moment. He said, to the woman, "Visit my workshop. I will tell you how to make the stencils for your design. Then you can apply the design you wish to have on your window and I will etch the design for you at a most reasonable cost." The woman smiled and agreed.
The woman followed the artist's directions. (Men like to give directions.)
Two weeks later, the woman had completed the stencil design on the window. She then took the thirteen panes of glass from the jalousie window to the artist. He etched the glass. The artist was very impressed with the etched design. He encouraged the woman to make more designs.
The woman went home and practiced making more designs with the stencils.
But, she became sad because she still could not afford to buy the compressor and air brush gun. She had to do other things first.
Suddenly, the woman had an idea that made her smile. She decided that she would choose a name for the etching business she hoped to have one day. She would choose the name "BeauVoirGlass" because her designs would be "beautiful to see".
The name would remind her of her dream to create things of beauty that would please many people as they gazed upon them in their own beautiful homes.
The End.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Baby Bane
There is a lady blogger http://cursesandchrome.blogspot.com who spends large amounts of her time making sure lots of our deployed troops know they are remembered by folks back home.
Right now, she is putting together a birthday package for one of her favorites, named in the title of this post.
This young Marine is on his second tour, and also happens to be a son of another blogger http://banedad.blogspot.com .
Wendy, of Curses and Chrome fame, has said that anyone who would like to include a birthday card and good wishes for Baby Bane can send it to her post office box and she will happily include it in the package she will be sending. She needs to have the cards in her hands no later than October 10.
I'm thinking, if my dear readers also send cards, this Marine will have a birthday that could keep him smiling for quite a while.
You can mail your card directly to her at :
Baby Bane
P. O. Box 583
Rockford, IL 61105
Remember, it needs to be to her no later than October 10.
Thank you, in advance, to any of you who are willing to send good wishes to this young man.
Right now, she is putting together a birthday package for one of her favorites, named in the title of this post.
This young Marine is on his second tour, and also happens to be a son of another blogger http://banedad.blogspot.com .
Wendy, of Curses and Chrome fame, has said that anyone who would like to include a birthday card and good wishes for Baby Bane can send it to her post office box and she will happily include it in the package she will be sending. She needs to have the cards in her hands no later than October 10.
I'm thinking, if my dear readers also send cards, this Marine will have a birthday that could keep him smiling for quite a while.
You can mail your card directly to her at :
Baby Bane
P. O. Box 583
Rockford, IL 61105
Remember, it needs to be to her no later than October 10.
Thank you, in advance, to any of you who are willing to send good wishes to this young man.
Friday, September 15, 2006
"We write, in part, the words we need to read."
Rebecca McClanahan, Write Your Heart Out
My words are my children,
nurtured from conception to maturity,
from thought to page.
They are what (all) I have to leave behind,
to let someone know I was here.
The mark I leave.
One proof of my life's worth.
They talk back to me, make me laugh.
They explain me, comfort me, as I grow old.
Rebecca McClanahan, Write Your Heart Out
My words are my children,
nurtured from conception to maturity,
from thought to page.
They are what (all) I have to leave behind,
to let someone know I was here.
The mark I leave.
One proof of my life's worth.
They talk back to me, make me laugh.
They explain me, comfort me, as I grow old.
I don't see much point in talking with someone
if you are not going to pay attention to what they say.
Might as well talk to yourself.
if you are not going to pay attention to what they say.
Might as well talk to yourself.
If the bad people of the world comprise only a small percentage of the population, why do they make such an impact on our lives?...
Pain demands our attention.
It disrupts our lives.
Comfort is what we take for granted.
We don't appreciate comfort, love, peace...
until they are replaced by pain.
Pain demands our attention.
It disrupts our lives.
Comfort is what we take for granted.
We don't appreciate comfort, love, peace...
until they are replaced by pain.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Dumpster Diving...
In my driveway sits a big, green dumpster. Empty.
It was delivered today. It is rented for a month.
I will now begin purging my house and garage.
After twenty years at this address, it is time to get rid of the trash, the excess and the unwanted.
A few things will be donated to charities.
A few things will be sold.
Comparatively little will be allowed to clutter my life.
Two antique bookcases will stay, and a few antique chairs and rockers.
Computer. Television. Stereo. Books, music, movies.
Some clothes. One bed. One dresser. New dishes, still in the box.
Family photos. Art work. Sewing machine.
I will finally have clean, empty space.
Space in which to move easily in order to finish work that has needed doing for a long time.
A blank canvas.
A clean slate.
Room to breathe.
I feel better already.
It was delivered today. It is rented for a month.
I will now begin purging my house and garage.
After twenty years at this address, it is time to get rid of the trash, the excess and the unwanted.
A few things will be donated to charities.
A few things will be sold.
Comparatively little will be allowed to clutter my life.
Two antique bookcases will stay, and a few antique chairs and rockers.
Computer. Television. Stereo. Books, music, movies.
Some clothes. One bed. One dresser. New dishes, still in the box.
Family photos. Art work. Sewing machine.
I will finally have clean, empty space.
Space in which to move easily in order to finish work that has needed doing for a long time.
A blank canvas.
A clean slate.
Room to breathe.
I feel better already.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Blog List....
I was finally able to add links to other blogs on my side-bar.
Hoping my dear readers will enjoy perusing them.
All credit is due to Boneman (walking on alligators).
... thank you, Berry for your patient tutoring!
Hoping my dear readers will enjoy perusing them.
All credit is due to Boneman (walking on alligators).
... thank you, Berry for your patient tutoring!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
slip quietly through the day
sit back among the vines
find a corner in the dark
make a pillow of the leaves
disturb no other's path
let shadow comfort thee
sit back among the vines
find a corner in the dark
make a pillow of the leaves
disturb no other's path
let shadow comfort thee